Cinderella Story For Kids With Pictures and Moral

Cindrella Story for Kids: There are many bedtime stories that can be read to children, out of these some are quite popular. Some of the well-known short bedtime stories for kids, are the Snow-white and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Rapunzel, all-time classics to name a few. One such interesting story is that of the young, beautiful girl named Cinderella who leads a very tough life, but never loses hope and remains calm and kind which eventually leads to her life being good in the end.

Such bedtime short stories help kids in learning positive lessons and enhances their knowledge base with the help of morals and new words and ideas. In this article, we have provided the story of Cinderella that kids can read and know, along with the moral that the Cinderella story teaches us.

Cinderella Story for Kids

Once upon a time, a beautiful, young, and kind girl named Cinderella lived in a faraway land with her stepmother, Lady Tremaine, and two step-sisters, named Anastasia and Drizella. They did not like her at all and made her live in the attic. Cinderella only had her animal friends, the two cute little mice Gus and Jaq, and the chirping birds who were her best friends with whom she shared all her dreams and stories.

Cinderella was made to do all the household chores by her stepmother and stepsisters for which she would wake up quite early in the morning and stay up till dark. She worked in the kitchen all day, cooking meals and keeping the fire going to warm their house. Due to this, the poor Cinderella’s clothes and body was always filled up with ashes and cinders. Even though her real name was Ella, due to the cinders on her clothes she was named Cinderella by her stepmother and stepsisters.

Anastasia and Drizella, Cinderella’s stepsisters were rude, arrogant, and quarrelsome. They never liked her and left no stone unturned in making her life miserable. They would make her do all their work. Cinderella did all the cooking, sewing, and cleaning.

Stepmother Lady Tremaine enjoyed seeing Cinderella’s misery, she would give her all sorts of work, like making her bathe her cat, Lucifer.

An announcement was made by the king’s messengers inviting all the maiden ladies of the kingdom to a royal ball, being hosted by the King and the Queen. This was announced by the king’s messengers one fine day. The Royal Ball was being hosted by the King and the Queen in order to find a young bride, for the Prince. On hearing this, the young ladies were quite happy. All of them started thinking about the gowns and jewellery that they would wear for the Royal Ball.

Soon, the king’s messenger arrived at Cinderella’s home and handed over the invitation to the ball. Lady Tremaine now ordered Cinderella to stitch two beautiful new gowns for Anastasia and Drizella for the royal ball. She wanted Cinderella to be so occupied with work so that she would not be able to attend the ball. Cinderella also wanted to attend the ball. So, she found her mother’s old dress from her trunk which she would make into a beautiful new dress that could be worn for the royal ball. 

Soon, the day of the royal ball arrived. Anastasia and Drizella were dressed up in the beautiful gowns stitched by Cinderella. Meanwhile, in the attic, Gus and Jaq, the two little mice, and the birds had made a beautiful dress out of Cinderella’s mother’s old dress by using ribbons and beads that had been thrown away by her stepsisters.

Seeing, the dress made Cinderella very happy. She thanked her little friends and thought to herself that she could go to the ball now. 

But seeing the new, beautiful dress of Cinderella made her stepsisters angry. They destroyed the dress by pulling out all its ribbons and beads. Even Lady Tremaine did not stop them, as she too wanted to destroy Cinderella’s dress. She along with her two daughters, left for the royal ball in a fine carriage.

Poor Cinderella was all alone in the house. She was sad and went to the garden, crying looking at her mother’s ripped dress. She softly said to herself, “I wish I could also go to the ball!” 

Suddenly, in front of Cinderella, appeared a Fairy Godmother who wanted to make Cinderella’s wish come true. Touching Cinderella’s head with her wand, the Fairy Godmother made Cinderella clean, tidy and pretty. Her messy hair was tucked up nicely in a golden band. By tapping the wand again, Cinderella’s dress was turned into a gorgeous gown. Cinderella was in disbelief, when she her dressed up so nicely in that beautiful gown and the amazing glass slippers created by the Fairy Godmother for her.

However, she didn’t have a carriage to go to the ball. So, by waving her magic wand on a pumpkin, the Fairy Godmother turned the pumpkin into a fine carriage and the little mice into carriage-men for Cinderella. 

The Fairy Godmother told Cinderella to go to the ball and have fun. She added, “Remember my child, all this magic spell will vanish at the stroke of midnight. Come back before that.” 

Cinderella promised her that before midnight, she would return. She left happily for the ball in the carriage drawn by Gus and Jaq. Upon arriving at the palace, Cinderella was surprised to see the majestic palace and the grand ball. Many young ladies were escorted by their mothers in order to impress the Prince. But the Prince was in a dilemma. He didn’t know whom to look and dance with at the ball.

All heads turned towards Cinderella when she entered the Royal Ball. She looked like an angel. Even her stepmother and stepsisters couldn’t recognize her and were awestruck by her beauty. Cinderella walked into the ballroom with so much grace, like a royal princess. 

The Prince just couldn’t take his eyes off her, he walked to her and introduced himself to Cinderella. She bowed down and greeted the Prince. He asked her out for a dance. They talked, laughed, and kept dancing to every song. Seeing this, made the other young ladies jealous.

Time passed by, Cinderella and the Prince enjoyed each other’s company. The Prince was impressed by her charm and beauty. Cinderella had never been this happier. Suddenly, she heard ‘Dong’, ‘Dong!’ The clock was about to strike 12. Looking up at the big royal clock at the palace, she knew it was almost midnight and screamed, “Oh! It is almost midnight!” She informed the Prince that she couldn’t stay longe and said, “I must go now.”

The clock was so loud that Cinderella’s words were not heard by the Prince. She bid him goodbye and ran down the stairs in a hurry. Due to which, one of her glass slippers came off her feet. She didn’t stop to pick it up and left the palace. The magic spell had started to wear off. The Prince followed her to the stairs and called out to her, saying “I don’t even know your name.” However, Cinderella didn’t turn back and left in her carriage. 

On the stairs, the Prince found her glass slipper which he realised was a special one as it could only fit Cinderella’s foot. The next day, he went from one house to another, searching for the other slipper to find the right fit. All the young ladies tried wearing the glass slipper, but it didn’t fit any of them.

Finally, the Prince arrived at Cinderella’s house. Lady Tremaine’s daughters were ready to try the glass slipper, but it didn’t fit. The Prince asked if there was any other young lady in the house. They refused. But soon, the Prince found Cinderella, working in the house. He got down on his knee and insisted Cinderella to try the glass slipper, which turned out to be the right fit.

The Prince was overjoyed to have found Cinderella, his one true love. The cinders on her hair didn’t bother him at all, he said “I found you!” and took Cinderella with him. Upon seeing this sight, Lady Tremaine and her two daughters were furious while Cinderella’s friends Gus and Jaq rejoiced. Thereafter, the Prince married Cinderella and they lived happily ever after in the palace.

Moral of the Cinderella Story

“Being good, always rewards you in the end.”

In Princess Cinderella’s story, we see how despite all the odds being against her, Cinderella is always kind, polite and helpful. The Prince found her though she had cinders all over her dress and hair. Cinderella’s warmth & innocence won his heart. Finally, the bad days for Cinderella came to an end. The Prince got married to her and they lived happily ever after.


The Cinderella story’s main protagonist is a beautiful young girl who has throughout her life faced the atrocities of her cruel stepmother and jealous stepsisters. Her only friends, were her animal friends and the only kindness shown to her was by a fairy godmother. We see how Cinderella had to attend a royal ball, and return to her usual life before the final stroke of midnight.

In the ball, her misplaced slipper ultimately leads her to her Prince Charming. His true love for her helps her to come out of her cruel life. She finally gets her happy ending. Thus we see how being kind and having compassion leads to goodness eventually.

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Cinderella Story for Kids- FAQs

What is the story of Cinderella?

Cinderella is a young, beautiful girl who all through her life has faced the atrocities of her stepmother and two step sisters. She is the main character, whose kindness and honesty eventually rewards her with goodnesss when she meets a Prince and gets her much needed happy ending.

Name Cinderella’s best friends.

Cinderella’s only friends were her animal friends, the two little mice and the birds with whom she shared all her dreams and wishes in the attic. They loved each other a lot and felt her pain when she was treated badly by her stepmother and stepsisters.

Why should kids know bedtime stories ?

A child should be read bedtime stories as it has several benefits. It helps kids to have better sleep. While listening to a bedtime story, kids concentrate better, stay calm and eventually fall asleep. The bedtime stories have their own morals, which send a positive message to kids. Apart from this, bedtime stories helps kids learn new words which enhances their vocabulary.

What message does the Cinderella story give?

Cinderella story tells us that being compassionate and kind even when the odds are against us, eventually leads to goodness.

Who wrote the Cinderella story?

Charles Perrault, who hailed from France, wrote the Cinderella story.