5 Lines Short Stories with Moral in English

This collection of stories teaches us important life lessons. “The Bug and the Grasshopper” reminds us to be patient and plan to overcome challenges. “Letting Go” shows us the freedom that comes from releasing things we hold onto tightly, allowing unexpected good things to happen.

These stories give us timeless wisdom and make us think about life and how we live it. Let us learn one by one!

Table of Content

  • List of Short Stories
  • The Ant and the Grasshopper
  • Saying Goodbye to the Balloon
  • The Greedy Farmer’s Mistake
  • Kindness Rewarded
  • The Proud Sunflower and the Humble Daisy
  • The Wisdom of Learning
  • The Oak and the Willow

List of Short Stories

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Saying Goodbye to the Balloon

The Greedy Farmer’s Mistake

Kindness Rewarded

The Proud Sunflower and the Humble Daisy

The Wisdom of Learning

The Oak and the Willow

Read More: 10 Most Popular Fairy Tale Stories of All Time

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Once upon a time, there was a grasshopper who spent his time enjoying the sunny days, singing and playing around. Meanwhile, there was an ant who worked really hard, collecting and saving food for the upcoming winter. When winter arrived, the grasshopper hadn’t prepared at all and found himself hungry and cold. He asked the ant for help, but the ant reminded him that he had the chance to prepare earlier and chose not to. So, he had to deal with the consequences of his actions.

Moral: Hard work and preparation are essential to face life’s challenges.

Saying Goodbye to the Balloon

Lily was really happy playing with her red balloon. She held it tightly as it danced in the wind. Suddenly, a big gust of wind snatched it away. Lily felt sad and started crying. But then, she watched as the balloon flew higher and higher, carried by the wind and the clouds. She felt a mix of sadness and happiness as she saw it go. It made her realize that sometimes it’s okay to let go of things because it can lead to new and amazing experiences.

Moral: Sometimes letting go allows for experiences greater than we can hold onto.

The Greedy Farmer’s Mistake

Once there was a farmer who had a special hen that laid golden eggs every day. He became so greedy that he couldn’t wait to get rich slowly. So, he killed the hen to take out all the gold at once. But when he opened the hen, he found nothing inside. He lost the chance to get more gold every day because he was too greedy and impatient.

Moral: Greed often leads to loss, reminding us to appreciate what we have rather than constantly seeking more.

Kindness Rewarded

One day, a traveller was walking through a hot desert when he came across a big lion trapped in a deep hole, roaring for help. The traveler felt scared but also sorry for the lion, so he bravely lowered a rope and pulled the lion out. Later, the traveler was resting under a rock when he heard a quiet hissing sound, signaling a deadly snake approaching with its fangs out. Just as the snake was about to attack, the lion he had saved earlier jumped in and protected him. The lion remembered the kindness the traveler showed, and now it was protecting him in return.

Moral: Kindness has a way of returning. Helping others, even in risky situations, can bring unexpected rewards.

The Proud Sunflower and the Humble Daisy

In a pretty garden, there was a big sunflower boasting about its golden petals and making fun of a small daisy nearby. “I’m so beautiful and noticeable, while you’re just tiny and hidden,” it bragged. But during a powerful storm, the sunflower’s tall stem snapped in half. Meanwhile, the little daisy, being low to the ground and flexible, bent with the wind and survived.

Moral: Humility triumphs over pride. Being humble and able to adjust helps us handle life’s challenges better than being too proud.

The Wisdom of Learning

Once, a wise owl taught a young squirrel an important lesson. The squirrel thought only old creatures could be wise, but the owl disagreed. The owl showed that wisdom comes from learning and experiencing life, not just from getting older. They talked a lot and did things together, and the owl encouraged the squirrel to stay curious and learn new things. The squirrel realized that wisdom is about always learning and growing, no matter how young you are. It was a lesson about how knowledge and experiences make us wise, not just our age.

Moral: True wisdom comes from continuous learning and life experiences, not solely from age.

The Oak and the Willow

Once, there were two trees: an oak and a willow. The oak was strong but stubborn, while the willow was flexible and bendy. When a big storm came, the oak’s branches broke because it couldn’t move with the wind, but the willow swayed and stayed safe. The oak learned that being flexible is important, not a weakness, and the willow realized that being strong and steadfast also matters. They both understood that in life, it’s essential to adapt and stay strong when faced with challenges.

Moral: Adaptability and resilience are essential qualities in facing life’s challenges; being flexible doesn’t mean being weak, and strength isn’t just about being rigid—it’s about finding balance between the two.


These stories remind us of important lessons that help us live better lives. They teach us about being careful, thinking ahead, being kind, staying humble, and avoiding greed and arrogance. Through the experiences of ants, grasshoppers, farmers, travelers, and flowers, we learn about the importance of planning, being kind, and staying strong when facing challenges. Let’s remember these teachings and use their wisdom to make our lives and the lives of others better and more peaceful.

FAQs on 5 Lines Short Stories with Moral in English

What’s the main lesson from “The Bug and the Grasshopper”?

The main lesson is that working hard and planning ahead helps us overcome challenges in life.

Why is it important to “Let Go,” as shown in “Letting Go”?

It is important because Letting go allows us to experience new and wonderful things that we might miss if we hold on too tightly to the past.

What’s the mistake the farmer makes in “The Foolish Farmer”?

The farmer makes the mistake of being greedy and impatient, which leads to losing something valuable.

How does “Kindness Rewarded” show the importance of helping others?

It shows that being kind to others, even in risky situations, can lead to unexpected rewards and protection.

What does “The Proud Sunflower and the Humble Daisy” teach us about pride and humility?

The Proud Sunflower and the Humble Daisy” teach us about pride and humility that humility is better than pride because being humble and adaptable helps us face life’s challenges better.