Array Solutions Interview Experience for Software Engineer

  • Date: July 25, 2023
  • Location: Array Solutions Office
  • Position: Software Engineer


I arrived at the Array Solutions Office on a sunny morning for my software engineer interview. After signing in at the front desk, I was led to a comfortable waiting area. The receptionist was friendly and provided me with a bottle of water while I waited.

Round-1: Technical Assessment

The interview journey began with a technical assessment in a small, well-lit room. I was presented with a written test covering algorithms, data structures, and coding. The questions ranged from analyzing time complexities to solving coding challenges. The atmosphere was focused, and I appreciated the opportunity to showcase my foundational skills.

Round-2: Technical Interview Round-1

Next, I had a technical interview with Somnath Pardeshi, a senior software engineer. Somnath began by discussing my resume and diving into a coding problem related to string manipulation. I was given a whiteboard to outline my approach, and we engaged in a detailed discussion about optimizing the solution. Somnath encouraged me to explain my thoughts clearly, making the interview feel like a collaborative problem-solving session.

Round-3: Technical Interview Round-2

The third round was a deeper technical interview with Sarah Deshpande, a lead software architect. She presented a system design scenario where I had to design a scalable microservices architecture. We discussed load balancing, data consistency, and choosing the appropriate technologies. This round tested not only my technical knowledge but also my ability to think critically about complex systems.

Round-4: Managerial Round

For the managerial round, I met with Nikhil Joshi, the engineering manager. Mark delved into my past experiences and asked behavioral questions to gauge how I handle challenges. He inquired about my teamwork skills, conflict resolution, and how I approach mentorship. We also discussed the project management methodologies I was familiar with, giving me insight into the company’s development processes.

Round-5: HR Round

In the HR round, I had a friendly conversation with Shankar Sharma. She explained the company’s benefits, growth opportunities, and work culture. Shankar asked about my long-term goals and why I was interested in joining Array Solutions. This round helped me understand how my aspirations aligned with the company’s values.


The interview experience at Array Solutions was thorough and engaging. Each round tested different aspects of my skills and personality. The technical rounds challenged my problem-solving abilities, the managerial round explored my soft skills, and the HR round provided insights into the company’s environment.