Causes of Ocean Plastic Pollution

The main causes of ocean plastic pollution include the ultimate consequences of improper plastic waste management. This means that it is caused when plastic wastes generated by human activities are not decomposed or managed properly and somehow move into the sea or ocean. It is a significant environmental problem that requires global efforts to be addressed.

In this article, we will look into the meaning, causes, effects, and prevention of Ocean Plastic Pollution.

Table of Content

  • What is Ocean Plastic Pollution?
  • Main Causes of Ocean Plastic Pollution
  • What are the Effects of Ocean Plastic Pollution?
  • How can we Prevent Oceans from Plastic Pollution?

What is Ocean Plastic Pollution?

Ocean plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic debris and particles in the ocean and other water bodies. It occurs when plastic waste from various sources, such as land-based activities, industrial processes, shipping, and fishing, is improperly disposed of or enters waterways through runoff.

Once these plastic wastes enter the ocean, they remain there for years. During this period the plastic wastes break down gradually into smaller pieces called microplastics. These microplastics pose serious threats to marine life, ecosystems, and human health.

Causes of Ocean Plastic Pollution

Ocean plastic pollution has several causes. The prime ones are discussed below:

Littering and Illegal Dumping

When plastic waste like bottles, bags, tea cups, etc. are disposed on beaches, coastlines, and other areas near water bodies, they contribute to ocean pollution by flowing into the ocean along with recurring waves or by wind and runoff. Approximately 1.9 million of plastic beverage bottles are found in 2022 in the coastline. Cigarette buds are the most found waste in the beaches.

Deliberate dumping of wastes into water bodies has been a long-running illegal practice. This can lead to the addition of plastics in water. 4.8 to 12.7 million tonnes of plastic is dumped in the ocean every year.


Fishing activities can also generate plastic pollution through lost or discarded fishing gear like nets, lines, and traps, that persist in the ocean for long time. Nearly 20% of the plastic debris in ocean is formed of fishing gear. Commercial fishery is the primary source of creating the pollution through plastic gear. Also fisherman dispose cargo waste, discart plastic fishing nets, container into the ocean causing Plastic pollution in ocean.

Industrial Pollution

Industrial waste if released into the water bodies without being treated can carry microplastics along with them and cause plastic accumulation in the oceans that ultimately receive the water from rivers. 1.75 tonnes approximately of plastic waste is disposed into the ocean from Industiral activities. 3.4% of plastic pollution contain the industrial packaging material.

Inadequate Disposal of Waste Water

Sewage and wastewater discharge from various sources can contain microplastics and other plastic waste, which eventually find their way into oceans through water bodies.80% of untreated sewage enters the ocean.

International Shipping

Accidental or deliberate discharge of plastic waste from ships, as well as lost or abandoned cargo that gets submerged also contribute to ocean plastic pollution. Average 1321 container get lost in the sea every year.

Storm Water Run Off

Storms and rain can wash away plastic wastes from land into the water bodies that ultimately get drained into the oceans causing plastic pollution. It is well known that the roads, fields and lanes are the places where usually plastic waste are discarded intentionally or unintentionally. All these plastic end up into ocean when storm rain water flowover the roads into the drainage system and at end released into ocean.

Pollution of Other Waterbodies

Pollution of water bodies like rivers and streams can also cause ocean pollution because they drain into the ocean ultimately. Polluting the bank of river or nearby place of stream also pool the waste into the ocean. Approximately 0.8 million metric ton plastic reach ocean through rivers and streams every year. Most plastic emmiting rivers are in Asia. Some are in east Africa and Carribean. The top plastic emitting river in world is Pasig in Philippines which along responsible for 6.4% of plastic through river.

Excessive Plastic Production

According to UNESCO the production of plastic has increased thrice in comparison to previous year. Maximum of these plastic are of single usage. These plastics take more than 500 years to decomposed. But it will not breakdown properly, rather convert into micro-plastics. Hence, major part of the plastic produced annually enter the ocean and flow within the ocean for long time before finally being decomposed.

Improper Waste Management

Every year 500 billion metric ton plastic is produced. Most of them are single-use plastic. These plastic waste need to be disposed off in a better system so that they cause less damage to environment. Due to inavability of proper plastic waste management system in most of the countries, these waste remains untreated and are disposed directly into the soil or ocean which ends up polluting the environment for longer period. around the world 79% of plastic waste used in landfills 12% is incarnated only 9% is recyled.

Single-Use Plastics

Single use plastic are low graded and has cheap cost material. Also they are more harmful in nature. As the cost of production is quite low and repeated usage of these plastic is not possible, therefore their demand and supply is more frequent. These type of plastics has major ratio in the plastic pollutants. 50% of the yearly plastic produce is single-use plastics. Hence single-used plastic is the major player in ocean plastic pollution.

Plastic Recycling Challenges

Plastic recycling is quite challenging. Installation of plastic recycling plants are not cost effective. Also, the quality of recyclable plastic detoriates after every recyle which reduces the sustainability. Due lack of knowledge and infrastructure different category of plastics are combined. As a result it become very difficult to recycle.

Microplastics from Consumer Products

Microplastics are formed from synthetic textiles, city dusts, plastic wastes. Also, cosmetics and beauty products contain microplastics. The microplastics enter into the ocean mainly through domestic runoff containing microbeads and microplastic fragments and also fragmentation from plastic trash. These microplastic are undergoes various phsio-chemical processes which produce toxins harmful for the marine ecosystem. Also, due to their size and absorption power, these particles enter into the food chain and ends up creating health hazard to every living being.

Effect of Ocean Plastic Pollution

Ocean plastic pollution has detrimental effects on marine ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. Some of these impacts are as follows:

  • Entanglement and ingestion of plastic debris by marine animals, resulting in injury, suffocation, and death.
  • Microplastics, formed from the breakdown of larger plastics, contaminate the marine environment and enter the food chain. This poses risks to both wildlife and humans through seafood consumption.
  • Plastic pollution degrades marine habitats, reduces biodiversity, and harms industries reliant on healthy oceans, such as fishing and tourism.

Prevention of Plastic Pollution

Preventing the ocean from plastic pollution is crucial to reducing the impact of plastic toxicity on marine ecosystems and the environment. Some important measures that can be taken to prevent the plastic accumulation in the oceans are given as follows:

  • Reducing the use of plastic by opting for reusable alternatives like water bottles and shopping bags.
  • Ensuring proper waste disposal through recycling, composting, and responsible waste management.
  • Raising public awareness through education campaigns to promote responsible consumption and disposal habits.
  • Organizing beach and river cleanups to remove plastic waste from coastal areas and water bodies.
  • Implementing and enforcing policies and regulations to restrict single-use plastics and promote sustainable practices.
  • Fostering international cooperation through initiatives like the United Nations’ Clean Seas campaign to address plastic pollution globally.


The major problem with plastic is its nondegradable properties that allow it to persist in the environment for years. Hence, once the plastic wastes get added into water bodies they undergo very slow decomposition into microplastics that contaminate the ocean. From this contaminated water it enters the ecosystem and the food chain causing bioaccumulation and toxicity. Thus it becomes very important to take measures to prevent the plastic pollution of the ocean to preserve marine life and the environment.

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FAQs on Ocean Plastic Pollution

What are the long-term consequences of consuming seafood that contains microplastics?

Consuming seafood with microplastics may lead to potential health risks due to the transfer of harmful chemicals from plastics.

What type of plastic causes the most pollution?

Single-use plastics, like bottles and packaging, is the most polluting plastic.

What are the major causes of plastic pollution?

Major causes of plastic pollution are single-use plastics, improper waste disposal, industrial activities, and inadequate recycling.

What are the major pollutants in the ocean?

Major pollutants in the ocean include chemical pollutants, plastic pollutants, and oil pollutants from various human activities.

What are microplastics?

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in size. They are found throughout the marine environment and pose risks to wildlife and human health.