Citi Bank Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Overview: Citi Bank visited VJTI, Mumbai for on-campus placements. The criteria for applying was 60% or aggregate with no active backlogs and all branches were allowed.

Online Test: Close to 350 students applied for the company. The online test was conducted on the 11th of September on AMCAT. The online test had four sections:

  • Logical Ability(14 MCQs in 14 Minutes)
  • Quantitative Ability(16 MCQs in 16 Minutes)
  • Computer Programming(25 MCQs in 35 Minutes)
  • Automata Pro(2 coding questions in 60 Minutes)

The MCQs were pretty basic but accuracy was the key here and the questions had to be answered in sequence(i.e switching between questions or sections was restricted) hence once a question is submitted, you cannot come back to it, also you cannot randomly solve any question in the ongoing section. I was able to solve almost all the MCQs

The coding section had one easy question and other easy-to-moderate questions. Everyone received a different set of questions from a pool of questions. Following are my questions:

Question 1: Output “N” lines in the manner shown below for a given integer N. Example if N=4, then the pattern will be:


One had to write the entire code for printing the pattern and not just the function. I was able to solve the question completely and all the test cases passed.

Question 2: Rat in Maze problem. A mouse is placed in a maze. There is a huge chunk of cheese somewhere in the maze. The maze has NXM dimensions where 0 represents a wall, 1 represents the path where the mouse can move and 9 represents the chunk of cheese. The mouse starts at the top left corner at (0,0). Write an algorithm to output 1 if the mouse can reach the chunk, else output 0.

I could solve this question partially and my code passed 16/32 test cases.


  • Some of the other common questions usually asked are gray code, permutations etc(can refer to other experiences on gfg).
  • One can completely clear this round by solving one coding question. 

Close to 75 students were shortlisted for further interviews.

Technical Round 1: The entire interview process was done virtually over Zoom. This round started with an introduction about me. Later the interviewer moved on to my resume and asked some questions on SQL since I had mentioned that in my resume.

Some other questions were:

  • Explain your project in brief. The project I was told to explain was an ML project, so I was asked some basic questions on the same. 
  • What is the SDLC life cycle?
  • What is OOPS? What are the basic pillars of OOPS? Explain with examples.
  • Why do we use inheritance?
  • What is exception handling? 
  • Since I belong to Electronics and Communications, he asked me about my coding journey, how I manage time for this, why coding or software-based roles over core electronics, etc.

This round lasted for close to half an hour.

Technical Round 2: Within 10 minutes of completion of Round 1, I was informed that I’ve been selected for round 2. This round again started with a basic introduction about me. The interviewer then moved to my resume. I mentioned an API-based web application that randomly displays quotes, which are shareable on Twitter and WhatsApp. I was asked the following questions about the same:

  •   In which part of the code are you fetching the API?
  •   How are you fetching the API? Which function are you using for the same? 
  •   In what part of your code are you fetching the API?

While explaining the previous part I mentioned that I have used asynchronous JavaScript, so her next set of questions was based on asynchronous JavaScript.

  • What is asynchronous JavaScript.?
  • What are async and await?                                                                                                                                                                                               
  • What is synchronous JavaScript.?
  • How is asynchronous JavaScript? different from synchronous?
  • When to use asynchronous JavaScript. and when to use synchronous JavaScript.

After this, she asked me how have I included my JavaScript. part in the code.
And similarly, how have I included my CSS in the code? This was again followed by a couple of questions on CSS and HTML like:

What are the different ways to include CSS in your main code? And some more questions on HTML, and CSS which I don’t remember.
After this, she asked me if I have ever performed any transaction in a bank and if I can explain it briefly. 
 For this question, I took an example of withdrawing cash from an ATM using a debit card and told her the entire process stepwise. In the end, I told how ACID properties are followed in this entire transaction. She was satisfied with my answer and moved to the next question.
She then asked me if I wished to open an account in a bank how can I do that and what are the basic fields to be filled for the same.  While answering this question, I told her that we can consider Adhaar card no. as the primary key. She asked me to explain the types of keys in DBMS and asked some questions on the same. She was happy with the answers.

She further asked me some more questions similar to the banking scenarios mentioned above.

She then asked me some basic HR questions like:

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are one technical skill and soft skill you would like to work on?
  • What do you know about Citi?

At the end of the interview, the interviewer asked me if I had any questions for her. I asked her about her experience at Citi and we had a good discussion about that.

This round lasted for half an hour. The results were out by 10 pm the same day and I’m happy to share that I was one of the 17 students who were finally selected.