Citi Bank Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

Getting to the Interview:

After passing the coding test, I got the chance for an interview. I was excited to show what I’ve got and make a good impression.

The Interview Chat:

In the interview, I was paired with another girl for assessment. The interviewer began by talking more with the other girl, around 20 minutes or so. When it was my turn, my interview was quicker, just about 8-10 minutes. ( duration was 30 min for each interview)

Talking About Soft Skills:

During the interview, we mainly discussed my projects and how good I am with soft skills. My projects were covered, but not in too much detail. The interviewer wanted to know how I work with a team and handle changes.

Time for My Questions:

In the end, I got to ask the interviewer some questions. Even though he didn’t ask if I had any and was in a rush to just end the meeting, I went ahead. I asked 1st question about his work experience and advice he’d give from his journey. He said I was doing perfect by exploring and learning different technologies

Understanding the Internship Role:

I also asked about the role I’d have if I got the internship. The interviewer said that the HR team would tell me more about that. I was hoping for more details, though, to understand what I might be doing.

The Result and My Thoughts:

When they announced the results, the other girl, who had a higher CGPA, got the spot for her HR interview. I was surprised because my interview was shorter, and they didn’t ask any technical questions, even though the role was technical.

Final Words:

Reflecting on my CitiBank interview, I can’t help but wonder about the balance between CGPA and skills. It makes me question why they conducted interviews if the ultimate focus was solely on CGPA. While I understand the importance of academic performance, it’s disheartening when skills and potential take a backseat. My experience emphasizes the need for a holistic approach that recognizes the value of both academic achievements and practical abilities. Thank you all for hearing my story, and here’s to hoping for a future where skills truly shine.