Common Interview Questions and Preparation Guide for 2024

A peal of nervous laughter, an anxious candidate aspiring for the job of their dreams. We’ve all been there at some point in our lives. These Common Interview Questions and Preparation guide will help you in your next interview.

In this article we covered how to answer of particular generic questions, mistakes that you shuold avoide in interviews, preparation startegy, how to do follow-up after the interview and what type of questions can show your interest for the job. All this will help you to land your dream job.

This is your one-stop shop for all things soft skills interview preparation as we’ve got articles providing expert tips, common questions with a curated answers, and a lot more to give you an insider on what to expect. We’ll break down the most common soft skills employers are looking for, show you how to showcase them in your interview, and help you build the confidence you need to walk into that room and own it. So, ditch the nervous laughter and let’s get you prepared for soft skills success. Scroll down, and explore our articles, to get ready and land that dream job!


Table of Content

  • How to Answer Particular Questions in Interviews
  • Preparation for Telephonic and Video Interviews
  • Mistakes to Avoid in Interviews
  • Common and Behaviorial Questions in Interview
  • How to Prepare for each Round of Interview
  • How to Respond in each round of Interviews
  • What type of Questions should ask after interview
  • Tips to Prepare for Interviews

Read the articles below and get prepared to ace any interview:

How to Answer Particular Questions in Interviews

Preparation for Telephonic and Video Interviews

Mistakes to Avoid in Interviews

Common and Behaviorial Questions in Interview

How to Prepare for each Round of Interview

How to Respond in each round of Interviews

What type of Questions should ask after Interviews

Tips to Prepare for Interviews




Q1. Why do interviewers use telephonic interviews?

Telephonic interviews are shorter and require fewer resources from the company. So, they can be a helpful technique to screen candidates before moving on to the next stages of the employment process.

Q2. Why do employers take multiple interview rounds?

Multiple rounds are used to assess a few crucial personality attributes of the candidates, such as, emotional stability, decisiveness, ability of a candidate to handle conflicts and their intent based on patience that is demonstrated during the interview.

Q3. Are soft skills difficult?

Soft skills tend to be more difficult to develop. They are strongly related to individual traits and lack straightforward ways to foster improvement. Also, soft skills are more difficult to quantify.

Q4. How do interviews work?

The interviewer will assess your genuine interest in the firm and the work, your suitability for the position, and your potential to contribute to their team. Your responses to their questions will help them evaluate your talents, experience, and motivation.