GDSC Web Lead Interview Experience

I am the Web Lead at Google Developer Student Clubs VIT Mumbai for the tenure 2022-2023.

The interview process varies depending on the role you have applied for. GDSC Lead interviews are officially curated by Google whereas core leads like Web, Android, Design, Sponsorship, etc. are selected by the Lead themselves (in my case there was a panel of previous year leads as well). The questions asked in a core lead interviews are general questions nothing to worry about. The questions which I was asked for the position of Web Lead are:

  1. Why web? Why not something more public facing?
  2. What is your go-to stack for web development?
  3. Explain hooks in react (with in-depth explanation of any 2)
  4. Difference between JSX and HTML
  5. SQL basic questions
  6. What is SQL injection, how will you prevent in?
  7. How will you handle some disagreement among your team members?
  8. Do you think you need to take your team’s opinion for every decision you make?

Hope this helps and best of luck to everyone going to these interviews!