Genome Editing

Genome editing is an important tool of Genetic Engineering. It is the most promising technique of current and future importance as it can be used to edit, modify, alter, or make changes in the DNA or Silencing a gene. Genome editing is the latest technology where genetic material or genes of an organism can be modified, added, deleted or any alterations can be made to create desirable characters.

It is the most important scientific advancement that has the potential to act as therapeutic, genetic engineering, transgenics, etc. It is the most recent focus of medical research and Agriculture. This article will focus on what is Genome editing, the different methods, applications, and ethical perspectives of Genome editing.

Table of Content

  • What is Genome editing?
  • Genome editing Techniques
  • Genome Editing in Human
  • Applications of Genome Editing
  • Genome editing Pros and Cons

What is Genome editing?

Genome editing is a method by which the genetic material or DNA of an organism can be precisely modified, manipulated, removed, or altered. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is the genetic material in all organisms and a piece of DNA that is active and codes for a particular protein is called Gene. The molecular biological central dogma explains how DNA is converted to mRNA by a process called Transcription and mRNA will undergo translation to produce protein. Each Gene will code for a polypeptide or protein. The message of life is coded in DNA and that message is read out, in mRNA and translated or decoded to get the protein.

Proteins formed by gene expression have various functions in metabolism, they act as hormones, enzymes, structural elements, receptors, membrane transporters, etc. If a gene is mutated or has any defects the formed protein will also be abnormal and can cause various genetic and metabolic disorders. Genome editing technology has the potential to treat diseases, improve crops, and create useful traits by manipulating genes.

Genome editing Techniques

Genome editing can be done by various techniques that enable scientists to modify DNA in a precise and targeted manner. Let’s find out some key Genome editing techniques:

CRISPR- Cas9 Technology

CRISPR stands for “Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats,” and Cas9 refers to the associated enzyme. This was first discovered by Jennifer Doudna and Emanuella Charpentier in 2012. They were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in the year 2020.

CRISPR technique works by using a natural defense mechanism by which Bacteria and archaea fight viral infection. CRISPR Modifications involves the following steps:

  • To identify the target DNA
  • Design Guide RNA
  • Combine guide RNA with CRISPR cas 9 enzyme complex
  • Introducing the complex to the cell
  • Target identification by gRNA, binding
  • Modification
  • Repair

In this technique, a segment called guide RNA is synthesized which is complementary to the target gene where the modifications are to be made. Cas 9 enzyme works as molecular scissors capable of cutting the target DNA. The Guide RNA is combined with the Cas9 enzyme and forms a CRISPR-Cas9 complex that can specifically bind and modify the segment of DNA required. Once this Cut is made body’s natural DNA repair mechanism works either in 2 ways Non-Homologous end joining or homology-directed repair and causes the deletion of the target gene or alterations.

Transcription Activator Like Effector Nucleases (TALEN)

It is another method of Genome editing that helps scientists to specifically modify DNA sequences. Here a TALE sequence is designed and combined with a nuclease enzyme called FokI and this will specifically target the DNA base pair and can be made a double strand cut in DNA to be modified and then Repaired by normal mechanism. TALEN is a highly specific mechanism.

Zinc Finger Nucleases (ZFNs)

Zinc finger Nucleases is another important tool used to cause alteration in target DNA. Zinc finger motifs are DNA-binding regions in Proteins. In ZFNs, they are modified by introducing an endonuclease. These engineered proteins can bind to specific DNA sequences. They introduce targeted breaks in the DNA, prompting the cell’s natural repair mechanisms to modify the genetic material during the repair process.

Base Editing

In Base editing, a single DNA base can be altered. It uses a specialized Cas9 enzyme that doesn’t cause double-strand cuts in DNA. It consists of a deaminase enzyme that causes a change in a single base.

Prime Editing

Prime editing is a recent advancement in CRISPR-based Genome editing where a reverse transcriptase enzyme is added.

Genome Editing in Human

The field of study known as “Genome editing,” or “genome editing,” focuses on changing the genes of living things. It involves using technological tools to modify, add, or remove DNA inside the genome. Somatic cells, germline cells (not for reproduction), and germline cells (for reproduction) can all be edited with genes.

Scientists can better understand gene function and create treatments for inherited or acquired disorders with the aid of Genome editing. A change in disease risk and physical characteristics, such as eye color, may also result from it.

Some argue, however, that it should be morally wrong to experiment with human DNA in a way that could alter human nature. Also, there is a chance that this procedure will limit people to a predefined life, thus restricting their freedom of choice.

Applications of Genome Editing

Genome editing is the cutting-edge technology in genetic engineering and biotechnology where the genetic material of an organism can be altered:

  • In Medicine: Genome editing is used to treat genetic disorders by altering or replacing faulty genes.
  • In Cancer Therapy: Cancer is a genetic disease to a great extent as it is caused due to mutation or changes in normal genes. Genome editing can be used in the correction of defective genes and can be a powerful tool in cancer treatment.
  • In Research: Genome editing can be used in research to study disease models by removing or altering a gene and studying its effects.
  • In Agriculture: It can be used in crop improvement, crop modifications, etc. by imparting or adding desired traits or characters to the plant or altering a trait.
  • In Genetic Engineering: Modified or altered plants and Animals with desired characteristics can be created and transgenic research can be further developed.
  • In Genomics: To study the expression of a particular gene and its effect on an organism.
  • In Transplantation: Transgenic Animals compatible with humans can be created and the organs or tissues can be developed in Xenotransplantation. Graft rejections can be prevented by causing the expression of human genes in other animals.
  • In Conservation Biology: To conserve or even recreate extinct and endangered organisms by using genetic knowledge and Genome editing concerns.
  • Control of Disease Vectors: Vector organisms can be subjected to Genome editing to make them non-pathogenic by making them unfit to carry the pathogens to the host.

Genome editing Pros and Cons

The advantages & disadvantages of Genome editing are as follows:

Pros of Genome Editing

The following are the pros of Genome editing:

  • Cures genetic disorders.
  • Fast & easy method.
  • Specific modifications can be made to a cell.
  • It can be used to modify metabolic pathways.
  • Long-lasting results that can get transmitted to offspring (Germline editing)
  • It can be used for drug discovery.
  • Useful in the Development of Transgenic Plants and Animals.
  • Helps in Creating disease-resistant and pest-resistant plants.

Cons of Genome Editing

The cons of Genome editing are as follows:

  • Off-target or unwanted side effects may occur rarely.
  • Require highly trained technicians.
  • It can be used to study the function of genes in chromosomes.
  • Gene expression is not always successful.
  • Any error in Genome editing can lead to mutation and can cause deleterious effects.
  • Unpredictable results.
  • It is in the stage of advancement and still not developed to its full potential.
  • Ethical concerns related to manipulating nature.
  • Religious and cultural objections.

Conclusion – Genome Editing

In conclusion, Genome editing is one of the powerful and promising techniques of the future that have extensive applications in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. Its precision in modifying DNA offers unprecedented opportunities for understanding, treating, and preventing genetic disorders. While Genome editing holds tremendous promise for advancing medical treatments and eradicating diseases, ethical concerns such as unintended consequences, equitable access, and the potential for designer babies demand thoughtful scrutiny. Achieving a harmonious balance between scientific progress and ethical considerations is vital to unlock the full potential of Genome editing.

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FAQs on Genome Editing

What are the Two types of Genome editing?

There are two different categories of Genome editing: They are editing the gametes or germline therapy and editing autosomes or somatic therapy.

What is the Name of the new Genome editing Tool?

“CRISPR” (pronounced “crisper”) stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, is the new Genome editing technology.

What does Genome editing Solve?

Genome editing is used to treat congenital diseases, sickle cell anaemia, haemophilia heart disease, nerve and muscular disorders and also applied in cancer therapy.

What are 3 Techniques for Genome editing?

CRISPR -CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs).

What are the Enzymes used in Genome editing?

  • Cas9
  • Cas12a
  • Nucleases

What is an Example of Genome editing?

In the United States, Genome editing has been used to create hornless dairy cattle, avoiding the need for painful dehorning procedures and reducing the risk of animal mishaps while being transported.

Why is Genome editing Illegal?

Germline Genome editing is a risky, unethical technique that has the potential to usher in a new eugenics age.