Genome editing Pros and Cons

The advantages & disadvantages of Genome editing are as follows:

Pros of Genome Editing

The following are the pros of Genome editing:

  • Cures genetic disorders.
  • Fast & easy method.
  • Specific modifications can be made to a cell.
  • It can be used to modify metabolic pathways.
  • Long-lasting results that can get transmitted to offspring (Germline editing)
  • It can be used for drug discovery.
  • Useful in the Development of Transgenic Plants and Animals.
  • Helps in Creating disease-resistant and pest-resistant plants.

Cons of Genome Editing

The cons of Genome editing are as follows:

  • Off-target or unwanted side effects may occur rarely.
  • Require highly trained technicians.
  • It can be used to study the function of genes in chromosomes.
  • Gene expression is not always successful.
  • Any error in Genome editing can lead to mutation and can cause deleterious effects.
  • Unpredictable results.
  • It is in the stage of advancement and still not developed to its full potential.
  • Ethical concerns related to manipulating nature.
  • Religious and cultural objections.

Genome Editing

Genome editing is an important tool of Genetic Engineering. It is the most promising technique of current and future importance as it can be used to edit, modify, alter, or make changes in the DNA or Silencing a gene. Genome editing is the latest technology where genetic material or genes of an organism can be modified, added, deleted or any alterations can be made to create desirable characters.

It is the most important scientific advancement that has the potential to act as therapeutic, genetic engineering, transgenics, etc. It is the most recent focus of medical research and Agriculture. This article will focus on what is Genome editing, the different methods, applications, and ethical perspectives of Genome editing.

Table of Content

  • What is Genome editing?
  • Genome editing Techniques
  • Genome Editing in Human
  • Applications of Genome Editing
  • Genome editing Pros and Cons

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Conclusion – Genome Editing

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