How To Calculate the Number of Wires for a Fully Meshed Network?

Answer: The number of wires required for the fully meshed network can be calculated with the help of number of node devices that will be used in a network.

In fully meshed network every node device is connected with every other node available in the network. According to the increase in number of nodes, the number of wires or connections required to connect them also increases.

If N number of node devices will be used in the network. The number of wires required to connect in the network will be N(N-1)/2

Example 1:

We have 4 node devices to connect in the fully meshed network.

According to above formula:
= N(N-1)/2
Therefore if 4 devices will be used in a fully meshed network, we will require 6 wires or connections in order to connect them.


Therefore the number of wires required in order to connect all the node devices in the fully meshed network can be derived with the help of number of node devices. However Mesh topology is not considered more efficient when the number of nodes in the network increases.