How To Install Network Printer on a Remote Computer?

Answer: Invoke the command `Invoke-Command -ComputerName RemotePC -ScriptBlock {Add-Printer -ConnectionName \\PrintServer\PrinterShare}`

Ensure Remote Access

Confirm you have administrative access to the target computer, typically via Remote Desktop or a remote execution tool like PowerShell.

Gather Printer Details

Know the network path of the printer (e.g., `\\PrintServer\PrinterShare`).

Use PowerShell for Remote Installation

Utilize PowerShell’s capabilities for remote execution. With administrative rights, run the following command in PowerShell:

   Invoke-Command -ComputerName RemotePC -ScriptBlock
{Add-Printer -ConnectionName \\PrintServer\PrinterShare}.

Replace `RemotePC` with the hostname of the remote computer and adjust the printer path accordingly.

Verify Installation

Confirm the printer’s installation by querying installed printers on the remote machine, using PowerShell’s `Get-Printer` command or by checking the “Devices and Printers” section.


Installing a network printer on a remote computer is streamlined through PowerShell, enabling administrators to add printers remotely by executing commands from their workstation. This method simplifies the process of managing printers across multiple computers, enhancing efficiency and reducing the need for physical presence.