How to Remove Network Printer on a Remote Computer?

Answer: Invoke the command `Invoke-Command -ComputerName RemotePC -ScriptBlock {Remove-Printer -Name “PrinterName”}`

Access the Remote Computer

Ensure you have administrative rights to access the remote computer, typically through Remote Desktop or PowerShell.

Identify the Printer

Determine the name of the printer you want to remove.

Use PowerShell

Open PowerShell with administrative privileges.

Execute Removal Command

Run the following command:

Invoke-Command -ComputerName RemotePC -ScriptBlock {Remove-Printer -Name “PrinterName”}

Replace “RemotePC” with the target computer’s name and “PrinterName” with the actual name of the printer to be removed.


Removing a network printer from a remote computer is streamlined with PowerShell, allowing administrators to efficiently manage printers without physical access to the device. This process saves time and reduces the need for onsite maintenance.