HTML5 | MathML <ms> Tag

The MathML <ms> tag in HTML5 is used to represent string that will represent the mathematical expression by programming languages and computer algebra systems. By default, the string expression enclosed by quotes. Left side of the expression enclosed by lquotes and right side of the expression enclosed by the rquotes. Element of the <ms> tag are not the ASCII character they are sequence character of the <mglyph> and <malignmark> tag.


<ms lquotes="„" rquote="“"> String Expression </ms>

Attributes: This tag accepts some attributes which are listed below:

  • class|id|style: This attribute holds the styles of the child elements.
  • dir: This attribute holds the direction two types of direction values is acceptable ltr left to right and rtl right to left.
  • href: This attribute holds any hyperlink to a specified URL.
  • mathbackground: This attribute holds the value of the math expressions background color.
  • mathcolor: This attribute holds the color of the math expressions.
  • mathsize: This attribute holds the value of the size for the content. The possible values are small, medium and big.
  • mathvariant: This attribute holds variety of typography like font-family.
  • lquote: This attributes holds the opening quote that depends on the dir attribute and the default value is the ".

Below example will illustrates the concept of HTML5 MathML <ms> tag:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML5 MathML ms tag</title>
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color:green">w3wiki</h1>
    <h3>HTML5 MathML <ms> Tag</h3>
        <ms lquote="„" rquote="“" mathcolor="Yellow"
            A Computer Science Portal for Beginner


Supported Browsers: The browsers are supported by HTML5 MathML <ms> tag are listed below:

  • Firefox