HTML5 | MathML <mspace> Tag

The MathML <mspace> tag in HTML5 is used to print blank space. The size of the blank space has to be mentioned in the attributes.


<mspace attributes="value"/>

Attributes: This tag accepts some attributes which are listed below:

  • class|id|style: This attribute holds the styles of the child elements.
  • mathbackground: This attribute holds the value of the math expressions background color.
  • depth: This attribute holds the depth value length i.e. desired depth below the baseline.
  • width: This attribute holds the width value length.
  • height: This attribute holds the height value length i.e. desired depth above the baseline.
  • linebreak: This attribute defines the linebreak inside of a line. Possible values are auto, newline, nobreak, goodbreak, and badbreak.

Below example illustrates the MathML <mspace> tag in HTML5:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML5 MathML mfenched tag</title>
        <h1 style="color:green"
        <h3>HTML5 MathML <mspace> tag</h3>
            <mfenced open="(" close=")" separators="">
                    <mspace depth="20px" height="40px" />


Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by HTML5 MathML <mspace> tag are listed below:

  • Firefox