IIIT-Kota Semester Exam Experience

Semester Exam Pressure

During the semester exam period, students often find themselves under immense pressure, particularly in engineering exams. Many resort to cramming the night before, hoping for a good outcome. However, with the right approach and mindset, one can not only score well but also use the exams as opportunities for self-growth and development.

Marks Distribution

At my college, IIIT Kota, in the ECE branch, marks are distributed across three main components. Initially, there’s the mid-semester exam worth 30 marks, followed by the end-semester exam worth 40 marks. Finally, there are internal marks, which are crucial for passing.

These internal marks are further divided into three subparts: attendance, worth a certain percentage, assignments, worth 10 marks, and quizzes, also worth 10 marks.

My Experience

Reflecting on my own experience, I initially underestimated the exams and believed passing would be easy. I attended classes but didn’t put much effort into studying. However, after realizing the importance of preparation, I started cramming before exams. Unfortunately, this approach didn’t always yield positive results; in fact, I even scored zero marks in one subject during the mid-semester exam.


Following the exams, there’s typically a short break before practical exams. However, instead of using this time wisely, my friends and I indulged in leisure activities, resulting in poor performance once again.

The time of result

Upon receiving the results, the seriousness of the situation finally hit me. Although I managed to achieve a CGPA of 7, which is considered satisfactory for most companies, it wasn’t a stellar performance.