KIET Group of Institutions Hackathon Experience

If someone were to ask me about participating in hackathons about a month ago, I would have said “Nah, not my cup of tea..” This nonchalant reply would have come from a college sophomore who had never participated in a hackathon, the reason being more inclination towards DSA than towards Development & disinterest in going to far away college campuses.

Where was my 1st ever hackathon?

Okay so yes I never wanted to go to a college far away to participate in a hackathon & that’s what made my very own college, KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, organize a grand pan India hackathon solely keeping in mind my comfort (just kidding :p). Jokes apart, our most popular college club InnoBeginner organizes this amazing hackathon annually, which goes by the name “Innohacks”. This year, it was gonna be the 3rd season of this gala event. Out of sheer curiosity, me & my friends began checking out the brochure on the club’s website & that was where it all began ?

The Theme & the Team

Through the brochure, we discovered various domains, tracks & prizes that were going to be part of Innohacks 3.0. We found this track called “Decoding Draupadi: A Working Woman’s Best Friend . Call it a happy coincidence or not, we were a team of 4 girls planning to participate in the hackathon. Yes! What could be better than an “all girls” team proposing an idea that would go with this very track!!

Round 1

So now we had a team, an idea, a leader (ahem..yeah that was me) & it was time to make submissions for round 1. Well, all college-going fellows would be well aware of the fact that things are better off when postponed till the deadline XD. So, around 2 hours before the deadline, submissions for round 1 were made through Devfolio, YouTube & of course Google Forms! We eagerly waited for the results & when the results came out, they brought with them a moment of joy for Team GeekGirls!

Having cleared round 1, we secured a spot among the top 45 teams from across the nation & on the morning of April 28, 2024, we landed at our very own college campus, all set for the 24-hour grind ahead of us!!

To be continued. Stay tuned for Part 2!