Hackathon Fest Experience At KIET Group of Institutions (Innohacks 3.0)

Hello there!! Here I am, continuing the narrative of my 1st hackathon experience, none other than Innohacks 3.0 at KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad.

Make sure you’ve checked out My 1st ever-hackathon experience! ? (Part-1). If yes, then let’s get going with Part 2!

Landing at the venue

In our team of 4, I was the only one who was required to go through a 1-hour journey to reach the venue, since the rest were hostellers lol. So while they were tossing & turning in their beds due to anxiety & excitement for the event ahead, I packed my bags & geared myself up to reach my college on time for the check-in. Once I reached there, I called up my teammates at the check-in desk. The check-in process was smooth & hassle-free, thanks to Devfolio. At the desk, we received a little, yet cool handbag with the Innohacks logo printed over it.

We then went to the hacking venue (CRPC Hall). Navigating through the venue was not at all a problem for us since we were actually in our very own college, practically our second home. Just when we had set up our desks & were thinking about beginning the grind, the coordinators asked everyone to proceed to the auditorium for the opening ceremony.

The Opening Ceremony

Everyone had been seated in the auditorium by around 10.30 a.m. We had with us the HoD-IT Department & Head of TBI KIET as the chief patrons of the event & our mentor, Yuvraj Kacchawaha Sir, who we came to know later, has expertise in game development. So the ceremony began & the lamp was lit as per the tradition. Then there came the part, that our entire KIETian team wished wouldn’t have come (XD). Idk why our college anthem sounds so funny. We have a video on YT featuring the KIET Anthem & yes it has sounded so funny ever since we first heard it during our orientation program in the first year. As they played the video during the opening ceremony, it felt difficult for literally all the participants sitting in the audience (including us :p) to control their laughter. I just thought to myself “This, too will pass ” & thank God it did.

Later on, we were given a brief introduction about the club – InnoBeginner & our hosts told us how we had our fellow participants from all across the country – Gujrat, Maharashtra, Kolkata etc. Next, the patrons delivered motivational speeches & finally, the opening ceremony came to an end, & everyone was escorted back to the venue.

Finally! Thanks for reading Part 2 & I’ll let you in on all the details regarding the 24-hour grind in the upcoming parts!!

To be continued. Stay tuned for Part 3!