List of Top 10 Largest Corn Producing Countries in the World

Discover the global landscape of corn production with insights on the Largest corn-producing countries, Top corn producers worldwide, and Leading corn-producing countries, along with Corn production statistics and Global corn production ranking for corn agriculture worldwide.

The 80% global requirement of corn as a staple and commercial crop is fulfilled by the top 10 Corn-producing countries in the world. Corn also known as maize is one of the extensively produced crops. It has a huge nutritional value and is a healthy source to reduce hunger. It is also a very significant ingredient in various industrial processes.

The top 10 largest corn-producing countries in the world are the United States, China, Brazil, the European Union, Argentina, India, Ukraine, Mexico, South Africa, and Canada. The United States is the leader in corn-producing countries followed by China, Brazil, the European Union, Argentina, India, Ukraine, Mexico, South Africa, and Canada.

In this article, we will learn about the top 10 corn-producing countries in the world with their production and shares and some interesting facts about these 10 countries.

Table of Content

  • Top 10 Largest Corn Producing Countries in the World
  • Largest Corn Producing Country in the World – United States
  • Second Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – China
  • Third Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – Brazil
  • Fourth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – European Union
  • Fifth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – Argentina
  • Sixth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – India
  • Seventh Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – Ukraine
  • Eighth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – Mexico
  • Ninth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – South Africa
  • Tenth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – Canada
  • Largest Corn-Producing Countries
  • Top Corn Producers Worldwide
  • Major Corn-Producing Nations
  • Corn Production by Country
  • World’s Largest Corn Producers
  • Leading Corn-Producing Countries
  • Corn Production Statistics
  • Global Corn Production Ranking
  • Corn Export Leaders
  • Corn Agriculture Worldwide

Top 10 Largest Corn Producing Countries in the World

The table provided below lists the top 10 largest corn-producing countries in the world:


Annual Production

Share in Global production(%)

United States

382 million tonnes



277million tonnes



129 million tonnes


European Union

59.70 million tonnes



55.00 million tonnes



34.30 million tonnes



28.00 million tonnes



27.40 million tonnes


South Africa

16.80 million tones



15.30 million tonnes


Largest Corn Producing Country in the World – United States

The largest producer of corn in the world is the United States. Corn is the most consumed feed crop in the nation. Also, it has a significant contribution to industrial processes.

  • The United States produces maize for both international and domestic markets. Corn is a key ingredient in the staple food.
  • Annual production of corn in United nation is 382 million tonnes. Out of which major part of the crop is used to produce ethanol and rest in consumed by livestock,
  • There are more than 9500,000 corn farms in United Nation out of which 95% is family owned and rest 5% is commercial farms
  • Dent or Feild corn are mainly produced in Un ited states which makes the 99% of total corn production of the nation
  • The top corn producing states in US are Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and Illinois.

Second Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – China

The second largest producer country of corn is China. Corn in china is mostly used for animal feed. Also it is utilised in commercial feed industry.

  • Corn in China is produced mainly for animal feed but it has grown as a strong alternative for rice.
  • Annual production of corn in China is 277 million tonnes. Out of which 20% of corn produce is exported.
  • China corn production is supported by government aids and technological advancement.
  • Three high yield varieties of china corn are Guidan 162, Jinyu No. 8, and Xianyu 335.
  • The top corn producing states in China are Heilongjiang, Jilin, Shangdong.

Third Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – Brazil

The third largest corn-producing country in the world is Brazil. The second most essential agricultural produce in Brazil is corn.

  • There is regional variance in corn production in brazil due to climate, and the flowering phase of corn. One of the corn planting technique in brazil is direct drilling system.
  • Corns in Brazil is produced in three crops in a year according to harvesting period of February-June, June-August and October- Decemeber.
  • Annual production of corn in Brazil is 129 million tons out of which 33% of produce is exported, 12% is contributed to industrial process and rest for animal feed.
  • Most common Brazilian corn is yellow dent corn which has a hard kernel with a depression on one side.
  • The top corn yield states in Brazil is Mato Grosso.

Fourth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – European Union

The forth largest crop-producing country in the world is European Union. Share in global corn production 4.9%.

  • European maize market sized up to 34.38 billion.
  • Corn is the second largest agricultural produce in European Union behind wheat which is produced annually around 13.4 million tons
  • France is the highest producer of corn in this union of nations followed by Romania, Poland, Hungary and Italy
  • Annual production of European Union nations of corn is 59.70 million tons.
  • Harvested area for corn is approximately 8.2 million hectres which is expected to be reduced due to natural changes.

Fifth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – Argentina

The fifth largest crop-producing country in the world is Argentina. Corn is the largest crop in Agentina.

  • Corn plays significant role in economy of Argentina. Most of the produce is used for livestock feeds and export
  • Planted area of corn in the nation is approximately 7.9 million hectres which produces approximately 55 million tonnes of corn every year
  • Due to weather and climate change Argentina is going through draught as a result the production of crop had fall leading the buyer to shift toward other countries to meet their need.
  • Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Cor- doba, La Pampa, and Entre Rios are the five provinces that produces corn in Argentina.

Sixth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – India

India is the sixth largest producer of corn in the world. In this country maize is the third largest crop produced.

  • Apart from being a staple food maize so produced is used for industrial purpose such as starch, oil, protein, alcohol.
  • Corn produced all over the country is consumed in various ways such as fodder, grain, green cobs, baby corns, pop corns in urban areas.
  • Annual production of corn is 34.50 million tons maximum of which is cultivated in the predominant corn growing states.
  • Some of the significant corn growing states in India are Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka.

Seventh Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – Ukraine

Ukraine is the seventh largest corn producing country in the world. Corn is one of the largest crop produced in this country.

  • Arount 19 million metric ton corn is exported every year from Ukraine and approximately 6.2 million metric tons are used for animal feed and other industrial and domestic purposes.
  • Annual production of corn is approximately 28 million tons which has dropped drastically due to unstable environment in current period.
  • Along with wheat and barley corn is one of the largest crop exported around the globe by Ukraine.
  • Corn production in urkaine runs into the cycle of plantation period of April-June, mid season period June-August and harvesting period of September- November every year.
  • Some of the prominent corn producing states in ukraine are kirovohradska, Sumska, Kylvska and Chernihiviska.

Eighth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – Mexico

Mexico is the eighth largest corn producing country. Corn is the most significant crop through the Mexico. It also has cultural relation with Mexico.

  • Annual production of corn in Mexico is 27.40 million tons which is 2.3% of total global corn production.
  • Corn is the most valued crop in Mexico due to the historical relationship with general population. The crop is not only serves as animal feed but a sustainable option for human consumption.
  • Two types of corn are produced around the country in Mexico, that is white dent corn and yellow corn.
  • Most of the Mexican dishes has corn as their prime ingredients. such as tortillas, tamales, and enchiladas.
  • Some of the major crop producing states of Mexico are Jalisco, Michoacán, México, Guanajuato, and Chihuahua.

Ninth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – South Africa

South Africa is the ninth largest corn producing country in the world. Corn so produced in this nation is consumed by human in major.

  • Annual production of corn in South Africa is 16.80 million tonnes. Around 3.8 million tonnes of corn is exported.
  • Corn production in south Africa is majorly dominated by big commercial farmer but small-scale farmers also produce significant amount.
  • There are two types of corn grown in South Africa white and yellow corn. Some of the popular varieties of white corn produced in south Africa are Pioneer 1184, Champion and Agrinet
  • 15% of gross agricultural product is corn which involve 40% of total cultivation area.
  • Some of the biggest importer of corn from South Africa are Zimbawae, Taiban, Veitnam.

Tenth Largest Corn-Producing Country in the World – Canada

Canada is the tenth-largest corn-producing country in the world. Corn farming is a profitable farming in Canada.

  • Canada use corn in various ways like fuel, consumption and production.
  • Being a profitable investment, corn production market is very competitive and has high potential growth.
  • Annual production of 15.30 million is distributed majorly in domestic market and limited global corn market, leading to revenue growth.
  • After a rapit growth in previous years the prices of corn is expected to reach stability hence will generate less revenue in upcoming period. But the attraction toward the domestic production will still remain constant.
  • Some of the biggest importer of corn from Canada is Ireland, Unite Kingdom and Portugal.

Largest Corn-Producing Countries

  • The United States leads as the top corn producer globally, contributing significantly to the world’s supply.
  • China follows, with a vast area dedicated to corn cultivation, supporting both domestic needs and exports.
  • Brazil ranks third, with its climate favoring large-scale corn production, especially in the south and mid-west regions.

Top Corn Producers Worldwide

  • Argentina and Ukraine are notable for their corn production, exporting a large portion of their harvest to meet international demand.
  • India also features on this list, with corn being a crucial crop for both local consumption and export.

Major Corn-Producing Nations

  • Mexico, with its rich agricultural heritage, is a key player in corn production, primarily for domestic consumption.
  • South Africa stands out in Africa for its corn production, catering to both local needs and neighboring countries.

Corn Production by Country

  • Indonesia and France are significant contributors to global corn production, with extensive cultivation areas and advanced farming techniques.
  • Canada’s corn production is on the rise, thanks to technological advancements and improved crop varieties.

World’s Largest Corn Producers

  • These countries utilize a combination of fertile lands, modern agriculture practices, and technological advancements to lead in corn production.

Leading Corn-Producing Countries

  • The leadership in corn production is attributed to a mix of natural resources, agricultural policies, and investment in research and development.

Corn Production Statistics

  • Annually, the global corn production exceeds billions of bushels, with the United States alone producing over 30% of the world’s corn.
  • Climate change and technological advancements continue to influence production statistics significantly.

Global Corn Production Ranking

  • The ranking fluctuates slightly each year based on weather conditions, technological advancements, and shifts in global demand.

Corn Export Leaders

  • The United States, Brazil, and Argentina are the top three corn export leaders, dominating the global market.
  • Ukraine has emerged as a significant exporter, thanks to its strategic location and investment in agriculture.

Corn Agriculture Worldwide

  • Corn agriculture employs millions worldwide, from small-scale farmers to large agribusinesses, reflecting its importance in global food security.
  • Sustainable practices and biotechnology are increasingly vital in enhancing production while addressing environmental concerns.

Conclusion – Top 10 Corn Producing Countries in the World

Corn is one of the most popular staple crop used for animal feed, human consumption and other industrial processes. There are mainly two type of corn white corn and yellow corn. Also the variety is further categoriesed by dented and non dented corn. As this moderate consumption crop is sustainable to human for a whole day, this crop is largely produced in almost every country to deal with hunger and malnutrition. The top 10 corn producer country in the world i.e, USA, China, Brazil, European Union, Argentina, India, Ukraine, Mexico, South Africa and Canada contribute the major share in global corn production.

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Top 10 Corn Producing Countries in the World – FAQs

Which country is the largest producer of corn in the world?

The United States has been the world’s top corn producer, leading in corn production.

What are the top three corn-producing countries?

The top three corn-producing countries are the United States, China, and Brazil.

How does corn production vary globally?

Global corn production varies significantly, with the top producers being the U.S., China, Brazil, Argentina, Ukraine, and India, showcasing a diverse geographical distribution.

Are there any European countries among the top corn producers?

Yes, the European Union is collectively considered one of the top corn producers in the world.

Which countries are the emerging leaders in corn production?

Countries like Ukraine and Mexico are emerging as significant players in the global corn production market.

How much corn does the U.S. produce?

The U.S. is the largest corn exporter, dedicating around 90 million acres to corn production.

What role does corn play in global agriculture?

Corn is a staple crop that plays a crucial role in global agriculture, serving as a key food source, livestock feed, and raw material for biofuel production.

How is climate change affecting corn production?

Climate change impacts corn production through altered weather patterns, affecting yield and requiring adaptation in farming practices.

Which country is the largest producer of Corn?

United states is the largest producer of corn. Majority of the produce is used for animal feed.

Which country is the largest importer of corn in the world?

China is the largest importer of corn followed by Japan, European Union and Mexico.

Which country is the largest exporter of corn in the world?

Brazil is the largest exporter of corn in the world.

Which country India export corn to?

India export corn to Bangladesh, Malaysia, Veitnam and Burma

Which country consume the most corn?

United States is the largest consumer of corn in the world. Also it is the largest producer of corn.