Top 10 Largest Vegetable Producing Countries in the World

Explore the agricultural landscape as we unveil the Top 10 largest vegetable producing countries, highlighting the World’s biggest vegetable producing countries. Dive into the Global vegetable production ranking and discover the major vegetable exporters that lead the way in shaping our agricultural industry.

Largest Vegetable Producing Countries in the World are China, India, Nigeria, the Dominican Republic, the United States, Indonesia, Thailand, Ghana, Russia, and Turkey. Vegetable has various nutrients that are important for humans. They also play important roles in human development as well as the economy of the nation.

Cultivation of vegetables is highly dependent on the climate and the fertility and type of soil in which they are produced. According to Statista, China and India were the world’s top producers of fresh vegetables in 2022. China produced over 616 million metric tons, while India produced about 138 million metric tons

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Largest Vegetable Producing Countries in the World

In this article, we will learn about the top 10 largest vegetable-growing countries, the popular vegetables grown, and the impact of vegetable production on the nation.

Table of Content

  • Top 10 Largest Vegetable Producing Countries
  • Largest Vegetable-Growing Country: China
  • Second Largest Vegetable-Growing Country: India
  • Third Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Nigeria
  • Fourth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Dominican Republic
  • Fifth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: United States
  • Sixth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Indonesia
  • Seventh Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Thailand
  • Eighth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Ghana
  • Ninth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Russia
  • Tenth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Turkey
  • Top Vegetable Producing Countries 2024
  • Major Vegetable Exporters in the World
  • Global Vegetable Production Ranking
  • Leading Countries in Vegetable Production
  • Vegetable Production by Country
  • Importance of Vegetables in the Global Economy

About Largest Vegetable Producers in the World

The top 10 vegetable-producing nations across the globe grow a lot of veggies! China is the biggest producer, followed by India and the United States. These countries have lots of farms where they grow vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, onions, and carrots. They use special methods to grow these veggies, like using fertilizers and irrigation to help them grow big and healthy. The vegetables they produce aren’t just for eating in their own countries; they also export them to other places around the world, helping to feed people everywhere. So, when you enjoy your salad or your favorite vegetable dish, chances are some of those veggies came from one of these top 10 vegetable-producing countries! #sustainablefarming

Top 10 Largest Vegetable Producing Countries

Top 10 Vegetable Producing Nations Across the Globe


Production (tonnes)


749 million


200.3 million


137.8 million

Dominican Republic

48.2 million

United States

47.8 million


34.1 million


33.4 million


33 million


31.8 million


31.7 million

#VeggiePower #FarmToTable #GreenGold #VeggieNations

Largest Vegetable-Growing Country: China


China is the largest vegetable-growing country in the world. The average annual production is approximately 749 million tons.

  • Popular vegetables grown in China are Chinese Cabbage, Cucumbers, potatoes, Bitter melon, and soybean sprouts. Among these vegetables, Chinese cabbage is the most-grown vegetable in the nation.
  • The diverse climate and soil type make the country the largest producer of vegetables in the world. The fertile land of the northeast plain with plenty of water, the temperate monsoon on the bank of the Yellow River with simultaneous rainfall, also the presence of various landforms like plateau and hills, support the huge production of vegetables in the country.
  • China is accountable for 50% of global vegetable production. Also, a major part of the produce is utilized for human consumption. Urbanization of the Chinese population drives the rapid growth in vegetable production size as the mass population is more inclined toward animal products and the vegetable produced are consumed as animal feed to sustain the livestock.
  • The government of China and the farmers increased the investment in vegetable cultivation as a support to farmers’ per capita income as a measure of anti-poverty for small farmers and improve their lifestyle. #GlobalHarvest
  • However, the massive-scale production caused a decline in soil quality, ecological imbalance, and an increase in pollution.

Second Largest Vegetable-Growing Country: India


India is the second-largest vegetable-growing country in the world. The average annual production is approximately 200 million tons.

  • Some of the popular vegetables grown in India are Potato, Onion, Tomato, Cauliflower, Garlic, Eggplant. Eggplant is a native vegetable of India. The most produced vegetable in India is ginger and okra.
  • India has a diverse climate and geographical structure. Some part of the country enjoys the temperate climate and other tropical weather. Also, there is geographical diversity in the land mass of India from plateau to hills to desert and huge northern plain. Due to such diversity, farmers of India can produce tropical as well as temperate vegetables. Some parts may suffer from water scarcity but advanced agrotechnology provides support to the production. #GlobalHarvest
  • India holds 10.6% shares in global vegetable production, the second largest vegetable-producing country. Urbanisation and inclination toward a healthy lifestyle increased the demand for vegetable production in India, Also due to shorter multiple harvesting cycles, farmers grow a diverse variety of vegetables each year. Also, vegetable cultivation creates higher profit margin hence boosting the GDP.
  • The government of India has taken various initiatives related to encouraging vegetable production in the nation. One of the initiatives is the Vegetable Initiative for Urban Clusters.

Third Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Nigeria


Nigeria is the third largest vegetable-producing country in the world. The average annual production is approximately 137.8 million tons.

  • Onion, Okrs, Lettuce, cucumber, and carrots are some of the popular vegetables grown in Nigeria. Ugwu is a vegetable that is mostly grown in Nigeria.
  • The climate of Nigeria is quite diverse. This diversity enhances the production of crops including vegetables. Also, plenty of rainfall and long summers provide a good period for a healthy harvest for the farmer. #HarvestBounty
  • Nigeria generates approximately 750 billion US dollars every year through vegetable production. Vegetable cultivation is a primary source of income as well as support to a standard livelihood for the natives of the country.
  • Although government intervention in vegetable cultivation fueled the accessibility of modern agro-based technology but Nigeria is dependent on the small farmer and traditional method of cultivation and farming.

Fourth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

Dominica Republic is the fourth largest vegetable producing country in the world. The average annual vegetable production of the Dominican Republic is 48.2 million tons.

  • The most common vegetable grown in the Dominican Republic are tomatoes, sweet peppers, lettuce and onion.
  • The temperate climate of the Dominican Republic is quite favourable for growing varieties of vegetables. Abundances of rain and land encourage the huge vegetable production in the country. Due to microclimate variance, vegetables can be produced throughout the year.
  • The economy of Dominican Republic is primarily benefited from vegetable production as it provides employment especially to the rural population. Also, vegetable exportation in the global market result in foreign exchange earnings, creating revenue inflow in the country.
  • Due to domestic cultivation of vegetables dependency on imports has been reduced, hence encouraging food security and reducing the risk related to volatile international markets. #FoodSecurity

Fifth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: United States

United States

The United States is the fifth largest vegetable-producing country in the world. The average annual vegetable production in the United States is 47.8 million tons.

  • Some of the most produced vegetables in the United States are Potato, Carrots, Green Beans, Tomatoes, and Brocolli. Potato, tomato, and beans are the native vegetables of the United States.
  • The nation experiences highly diverse climates, a tropical climate in South Florida, an Alpine climate in the Rocky mountains and a cold climate in the Northern part. Such a diverse climate results in the production of various vegetables throughout the nation. But recent data shows some climatic shifts in the United Nations due to global warming affecting the production directly.
  • The economy of the United Nations has benefited in multiple ways due to vegetable production. From creating employment in the rural area to creating profit opportunities for the cold house owners. Also, the export of vegetables has a positive impact on the country’s economy.
  • Increasing awareness toward healthy style and people being inclined toward reducing the risk of obesity throughout the nation, increased the consumption of vegetables among the population. Hence established a need to produce more vegetables.

Sixth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Indonesia


Indonesia is the sixth-largest vegetable-producing country in the world. The average annual vegetable production in the country is 34.1 million tons.

  • Some of the most produced vegetable in Indonesia are Cabbage potato, shallot, Onion and Tomatoes.
  • The temperate climate of Indonesia supports the vegetable cultivation in the nation. However, due to the variation in climate throughout the country results in diverse vegetable production. Cooler highlands support the cultivation of cabbage and carrots whereas the warm lowland is ideal for growing tropical vegetables.
  • Irregular patterns of Rain and dry season have pushed the farmers of Indonesia toward alternative irrigation methods to manage the dry season. The volcanic and alluvial soil also play an important role in vegetable production.
  • Vegetable production shows a positive trend in Indonesia. Middle-class growth has lead to an increase in vegetable consumption being considered an essential source of nutrients. Therefore economic opportunities could be seen increasing in both domestic and international markets.

Seventh Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Thailand


Thailand is the seventh largest vegetable-producing country in the world. the annual vegetable production is approximately 33.4 million tons.

  • Some of the most grown vegetables in Thailand are Potato, tomato, ginger, and shallot.
  • Thailand has a sub-tropical climate with favourable condition for growing cool season crops nearly whole year. Also the northern region of the country has long daylight which promotes the productivity of a large variety of vegetables. The northern and western region of the country has the highest production vegetables compared to other regions. #CropChampions
  • Vegetable production plays an important role in the country’s economy by creating employment in rural areas. Small farm ventures can be established with family labour and little investment. Also, it creates multilayer job opportunities for the people related to the production, like harvesting, packing, selling and distributing. #HarvestBounty
  • Thailand contributes its vegetable production in the domestic market to deal with the internal food requirement as well as in the international market in the form of frozen vegetables.

Eighth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Ghana


Ghana is the eighth largest vegetable-producing nation across the globe. The annual production of vegetables is 33 million tons approximately.

  • The most commonly grown vegetables in Ghana are tomatoes, onions, okra eggplants, and shallots.
  • Vegetables are produced in three forms in Ghana. One is by the individual farmer on their agricultural lands, the second is by the commercial farm enterprises and the third is by another individual in their backyards.
  • Although Ghana has a diverse climate many factors hinder the production of vegetables in Ghana such as irregular rainfall, lack of technology, and insufficient irrigation methods.
  • The commonly produced vegetables in ghana are mostly sold in the domestic market and exports whereas exotic vegetables are also grown in the region to support the European population of the country.

Ninth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Russia


Russia is the ninth-largest vegetable-producing nation across the globe. The annual production of vegetables in Russia is 31.8 million tons approximately.

  • The most grown vegetables in Russia are cabbage, potatoes, and cucumber. Pickled vegetables are widely popular in the nation.
  • Russia has a harsh cold climate during the year for the maximum period. To manage this issue Russia adopted a Greenhouse vegetable cultivation system creating a remarkable step.
  • In recent years Russia has taken initiatives to reduce its dependency on imports for the availability of vegetables in the country by promoting domestic productions. #foodsystems
  • Russia is struggling to establish domestic production of vegetables which is creating employment in the native economy in agriculture as well as in other sectors.

Tenth Largest Vegetable Producing Country: Turkey


Turkey is the tenth-largest vegetable-producing country in the world. The average annual production of vegetables in Turkey is 31.7 million tons.

  • Tomato, asparagus, Beet, cauliflower, and Carrots are some of the commonly grown vegetables in Turkey.
  • Turkey has a diverse climate due to its geographical location. This leads to a high variety of vegetable production. Mediterranean and Aegean regions are suitable for growing tomatoes while the black sea is full of nutrients for lettuce cultivation.
  • As the country has diversity in its landmass, the soil of Turkey is suitable for various vegetables that grow in different terrains.
  • The economy of turkey flourishes through vegetable cultivation. The sector provides a source of income to poor and middle class people hence resulting in improving their lifestyle. Also, turkey is one of the biggest exporters of processed vegetables in the global market which increases the foreign exchange revenue to the country’s economy. #healthylifestyle

Top Vegetable Producing Countries 2024

  • China leads as the world’s top vegetable producer, contributing significantly to global supply.
  • India follows, with a diverse range of vegetable crops catering to both domestic and international markets. #CropChampions
  • The United States ranks among the top, with extensive production of potatoes, lettuce, and tomatoes.

Major Vegetable Exporters in the World

  • The Netherlands is renowned for its high-quality vegetable exports, including tomatoes and bell peppers.
  • Mexico is a leading exporter of tomatoes, avocados, and peppers to the United States and Canada.
  • Spain supplies a large portion of Europe with fresh vegetables, especially cucumbers and tomatoes.

Global Vegetable Production Ranking

  • China and India dominate the global vegetable production ranking, due to their vast agricultural lands and favorable climates.
  • The United States, Russia, and Turkey also feature prominently, thanks to their significant contributions to global vegetable supplies.

Leading Countries in Vegetable Production

  • China’s vast agricultural sector makes it a leading country in vegetable production.
  • India utilizes its diverse climate to produce a wide variety of vegetables year-round.
  • The United States leverages advanced agricultural technologies to enhance its vegetable production efficiency.

Vegetable Production by Country

  • China: Specializes in a wide range of vegetables, including cabbage, spinach, and carrots.
  • India: Known for its production of onions, potatoes, and tomatoes.
  • The United States: Focuses on lettuce, sweet corn, and broccoli, among others.

Importance of Vegetables in the Global Economy

The top 10 vegetable-producing nations across the globe represent a diverse array of agricultural landscapes and climates. Global agricultural trade is really important for countries that are still developing. The rules about trading food and farming stuff affect how well farms can do. If countries don’t have good rules about farming and trading, it can cause problems when they try to sell their stuff. The World Trade Organization (WTO) looks at how countries are doing with farming and trading food. They want to see how much fresh veggies are being grown and where. In 2017, the world made 1.1 billion tons of veggies! China, India, and the USA grow the most veggies in the world. Turkey is also a big veggie grower, especially tomatoes. But we’re not sure exactly how much veggies people are eating. One big problem with growing veggies is selling them. Veggies need to be sold at good prices, be good quality, and people need to trust them. If countries grow veggies that people want to buy, it can help make their country better. #globalagriculture #agribusiness

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Conclusion – Top 10 Vegetable-Producing Countries in the World

The top 10 vegetable producing nations are accountable for the major share of the global vegetable market. All these nations are capable of producing high quantities of vegetables due to favorable climate, soil type and geographical location. Also, these countries have adapted the green-house cultivation method to deal with the adverse effects of changing climate. The economies of these nations are widely affected by this sector. To conclude, the vegetable production sector in every nation has a major role in the growth of the nation, hence should be attained sincerely. Overall, these top vegetable-producing nations play a pivotal role in ensuring food security and meeting the nutritional needs of populations worldwide.

Top 10 Vegetable Producing Countries in the World – FAQs

Which country is the largest producer of vegetables in the world?

China is the largest producer of vegetables in the world, with a significant lead in production volumes.

What are the top 3 vegetable producing countries globally?

The top 3 vegetable producing countries globally are:

  1. China
  2. India
  3. United States

How much vegetables does China produce annually?

China produces approximately 616.2 million metric tons of fresh vegetables annually, making it the world’s leading vegetable producer.

Can you name some other notable vegetable-producing countries?

Other notable vegetable-producing countries include Brazil, Ukraine, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Mexico, each contributing significantly to global vegetable production.

What is India’s rank in global vegetable production?

India ranks second in global vegetable production, with an annual production of 145.12 million metric tons of fresh vegetables.

Which European country is among the top 10 largest vegetable producers?

Spain is among the top 10 largest vegetable producers, with significant vegetable production contributing to the global market.

Which is the most cultivated vegetable across the globe?

Tomato is the most cultivated vegetable across the globe, followed by onion, cucumber and cabbage.

What is olericulture?

Olericulture is a science of growing vegetable, non woodiplants, and cultivation of edible part of plants.

Which country is the largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world?

China is the largest producer of fruits and vegetable in the world followed by India, Brazil and Nigeria.

What is the current status of vegetable production in the world?

World wide vegetable production is approximately 11.43 billion metric tons. China being the largest vegetable producer leads the list with approximately 749 million tons.

Which is the cheapest vegetable in the world?

Cabbage is the cheapest vegetable in the world. Infact it is cheapest among the fresh green leafy vegetable.