Database Architecture of the Webpage System Design

The database architecture is based on MySQL, a reliable and robust relational database management system.

To efficiently manage the substantial data load and facilitate scalability, the database employs a sharding technique using the userID hash.

  • Sharding divides the database into multiple shards, each functioning as a master node responsible for handling writes for specific user subsets.
  • This division allows for a more balanced distribution of write operations across different shards, optimizing the system’s capacity to manage a vast user base.
  • Additionally, read replicas, associated with each master shard, enhance read performance by efficiently handling read traffic.

Master-Slave Architecture

Within this architecture, the master-slave replication mechanism plays a pivotal role. Data changes originating from the master node are asynchronously replicated to corresponding slave databases. These changes are captured as events on the master and then transmitted to the slave databases, ensuring that they maintain up-to-date copies of the data.

  • The primary role of the slave databases is to service read traffic, leveraging the replicated data from the master for efficient and responsive query processing.
  • However, it’s essential to note that all write operations must initially occur on the master node to maintain the integrity and consistency of the data within the master-slave architecture.
  • In terms of connectivity, the application servers directly interact with the master shards for executing write operations. This direct connection ensures immediate data consistency and reliability.
  • Moreover, queries from application servers are load balanced across the read replica slaves, optimizing the distribution of read traffic and enhancing overall system responsiveness.
  • Scaling the data store is efficiently managed within this architecture. By adding more read replica slaves, the system horizontally scales for read operations, allowing it to efficiently handle increased read traffic.

Simultaneously, sharding partitions and scales write operations across multiple master nodes, distributing the write workload evenly and facilitating efficient management of expanding user data.

Overall, this database architecture, employing sharding, master-slave replication, and strategic connectivity and scaling mechanisms, provides a resilient, scalable, and responsive framework to effectively manage a large and dynamic user base while maintaining data integrity, availability, and performance.

Design a webpage that can show the status of 10M+ users including: name, photo, badge and points | System Design

We’ve got this huge community—over 10 million strong—and you want to build a webpage where everyone’s details, like their names, photos, those cool badges they’ve earned, and their points, can all be seen. That’s a massive load of information to handle. Achieving this goal necessitates an efficient and scalable system architecture capable of handling immense data volumes without compromising on performance or user experience.

Important Topics for the Webpage System Design

  • Requirements of the Webpage System Design
  • Capacity Estimation of the Webpage System Design
  • High Level Design of the Webpage System Design
  • Database Design of the Webpage System Design
  • How to show the status of 10 million users
  • Communicating with the servers in Webpage System Design
  • Database Architecture of the Webpage System Design
  • Low Level Design of the Webpage System Design
  • Work Flow of Webpage System Design
  • How to make the system Scalable?

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