High Level Design of the Webpage System Design

At a high level, the system manages two primary functionalities:

3.1. Updating User Status

Once authenticated, users have the capability to modify their profile information, including their name and profile image. Additionally, any changes in points or badges earned should be reflected and updated accordingly.

3.2. Reading User Status

The system design encompasses the retrieval of comprehensive user details, including names, profile points, and badge information, ensuring access to this data for the vast community of over 10 million users.

3.3. System Components of the Webpage System Design

  • Load Balancer:
    • The load balancer acts as the pivotal gateway, efficiently distributing incoming requests among multiple web servers.
    • Employing sophisticated algorithms, it ensures an equitable allocation of traffic, thereby optimizing system performance by preventing overload on individual servers.
  • Web Servers:
    • It functions as the primary interface between users and the system, web servers handle HTTP requests and dynamically generate user interface pages.
    • It collaborate with application servers to retrieve necessary data, presenting it in a user-friendly format.
  • Authentication Services:
    • Authentication services authenticate user credentials during login attempts, generate tokens or session identifiers upon successful validation, and manage the security context throughout the user’s session.
    • Handles user authentication processes to ensure secure access to the system.
  • Application Servers:
    • Application servers play a crucial role in system design by providing a runtime environment for applications, facilitating communication between the application and various components, and managing application-related tasks.
    • Implements business logic, interacts with database servers, and manages caching layers.
  • Write Services:
    • It serves as the core component managing all write operations pertaining to user profile information, encompassing functionalities such as creating, updating, or deleting data.
    • Its primary aim revolves around segregating write functionalities from read services, ensuring independent scalability for different facets of the system.
    • These functions facilitate user detail updates, encompassing modifications to user names, profiles, points, and badges.
  • Read Services:
    • Responsible for retrieving and presenting details for all 10 million users, showcasing this information in a comprehensive dashboard.
  • Database:
    • Stores user profile data and utilizes sharding for scalability.
    • It stores user profile details like names, points, and badges and relies on MySQL due to its relational structure.
  • Cache:
    • Stores frequently accessed data in memory, reducing the database load.
    • This approach significantly reduces the need to constantly fetch data from disk storage, streamlining the user experience.
    • To make the most of our memory resources, we’ll implement cache compression, allowing us to store more data efficiently.
    • When the server requests this information, it’ll be instantly available to users, ensuring quick access.`

Design a webpage that can show the status of 10M+ users including: name, photo, badge and points | System Design

We’ve got this huge community—over 10 million strong—and you want to build a webpage where everyone’s details, like their names, photos, those cool badges they’ve earned, and their points, can all be seen. That’s a massive load of information to handle. Achieving this goal necessitates an efficient and scalable system architecture capable of handling immense data volumes without compromising on performance or user experience.

Important Topics for the Webpage System Design

  • Requirements of the Webpage System Design
  • Capacity Estimation of the Webpage System Design
  • High Level Design of the Webpage System Design
  • Database Design of the Webpage System Design
  • How to show the status of 10 million users
  • Communicating with the servers in Webpage System Design
  • Database Architecture of the Webpage System Design
  • Low Level Design of the Webpage System Design
  • Work Flow of Webpage System Design
  • How to make the system Scalable?

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