High-Level Design (HLD) for Parking Lot(Garage)

High-Level Design (HLD) offers an architectural evaluation of the entire system, outlining principal components and their interactions.

High Level Design of Parking Lot Garage

  • System Architecture:
    • The HLD phase begins with the definition of the overall system architecture.
    • This consists of the presentation layer for the user interface, the business logic layer for processing consumer requests, and the data layer for storage and retrieval.
    • The relationship and interactions among those layers are precise to make certain a coherent and effiecient system.
  • Module Interaction:
    • A crucial element of the HLD is the illustration of how distinct modules and components interact with every other.
    • This includes outlining the go with the flow of manage between foremost functionalities, making sure a unbroken and orchestrated operation.
    • The user interface’s communication with the server, data processing, and system responses are carefully observe.
  • User Interface Design:
    • HLD encompasses the design of the user interface, that specialize in layout, interaction, and user experience. It identifies key functions and functionalities visible to end-users, making sure a user-friendly design that aligns with the system goal and requirements.
  • External Interfaces:
    • To make certain the system interoperability with external entities, the layout specifies how the system interfaces with external systems, services, or APIs. This includes defining protocols, data formats, and authentication mechanisms for easy communication.

Designing Parking Lot (Garage) System | System Design

Parking garage plays an important role in today’s world, as the number of vehicles is increasing every day, so it has become a major concern to manage them. The parking garage provides the solution to this problem of limited space. It offers to book a Parking garage using any method whether online or offline.

In this article, we will explore all the various components involved in designing a Parking Garage.

Important Topics for Designing Parking Lot (Garage) System

  • Requirements for designing Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Capacity Estimation for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Usecase Diagram for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Architecture of Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Low-Level Design (LLD) for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • High-Level Design (HLD) for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Database Design for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • API Used for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • API Code Implementation for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Microservices Used for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Scalability for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Conclusion

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7. Database Design for Parking Lot(Garage)


8. API Used for Parking Lot(Garage)

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9. API Code Implementation for Parking Lot(Garage)


10. Microservices Used for Parking Lot(Garage)

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11. Scalability for Parking Lot(Garage)


12. Conclusion
