Requirements for designing Parking Lot(Garage)

1.1 Functional Requirement for Parking Lot(Garage)

  • Signup & Login: The System needs to allow customers to sign up, log in, and authenticate their identity securely.
  • Parking Space: It should provide functionality to manage available parking spaces, such as actual-time updates on occupancy and vacancy.
  • Reservation for Parking System: Users should be capable of reserving parking areas in advance via an online platform.
  • Payment Service: Implement a stable payment system for customers to pay for parking services.
  • Navigation Assistance 3D: Provide customers with navigation assistance in the parking garage to locate their reserved or parking spaces.

1.2 Non-Functional Requirements for Parking Lot(Garage)

  • Latency: The system must respond right away to user requests, with low latency all through peak hours.
  • Data Integrity: Ensure excessive availability, minimal downtime, and data integrity.
  • Traffic: The system must take care of increasingly more users and transactions without compromising performance.
  • Safety Features: Implement strong safety features to protect user data, transactions, and the general system from unauthorized access.
  • User Interface: The user interface must be intuitive, presenting a wonderful and seamless experience for all users.

Designing Parking Lot (Garage) System | System Design

Parking garage plays an important role in today’s world, as the number of vehicles is increasing every day, so it has become a major concern to manage them. The parking garage provides the solution to this problem of limited space. It offers to book a Parking garage using any method whether online or offline.

In this article, we will explore all the various components involved in designing a Parking Garage.

Important Topics for Designing Parking Lot (Garage) System

  • Requirements for designing Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Capacity Estimation for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Usecase Diagram for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Architecture of Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Low-Level Design (LLD) for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • High-Level Design (HLD) for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Database Design for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • API Used for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • API Code Implementation for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Microservices Used for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Scalability for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Conclusion

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11. Scalability for Parking Lot(Garage)


12. Conclusion
