Abdomen Muscles

The abdomen has several muscles that help in various bodily functions. These muscles support movement, play a role in the breathing process, and protect vital internal organs. Each muscle group has specific responsibilities, contributing to the overall function of the abdominal and core region.

Let’s learn about each of these muscles in detail.

Rectus Abdominis

  • The rectus abdominis muscle is also known as the “abdomen six-pack” muscle.
  • It stretches vertically along the front of the abdomen from the ribcage to the pubic bone.
  • This muscle is used in bending movements and maintaining posture.
  • Also plays a role in forced breathing activities like coughing and sneezing.
  • Maintaining its strength is important not only for aesthetic appeal but also for core stability.

Also Read: Ribcage Diagram

External Oblique

  • External oblique muscles are located on each side of the rectus abdominis.
  • They are large and thin, covering the sides of the upper body.
  • They extend from the lower ribs to the pelvis, crossing diagonally as they move downwards.
  • These muscles help in twisting the torso and bending the body sideways. When only one side contracts, the body turns opposite to the contracting muscle, helping in complex movements.

Internal Oblique

  • Internal oblique muscles lie beneath the external oblique muscles.
  • These also help in rotating the waist and bending the body sideways. However, when these muscles contract, the body turns to the same side of the contracting muscle.
  • The internal obliques also support the abdominal wall, help in forced respiration, and increase intra-abdominal pressure, which is essential for activities like singing, defecation, and childbirth.

Transverse Abdominis

  • The transverse abdominis is the deepest muscle layer of the abdomen. It wraps around the torso from front to back and from the ribs to the pelvis.
  • It tightens the abdominal cavity and compress the internal organs, thereby stabilizing the core and maintaining internal abdominal pressure.
  • This muscle is crucial for maintaining good posture and providing thoracic and pelvic stability.


The abdomen is also known as the belly or stomach. It contains various organs responsible for digestion, waste elimination, and reproduction. Understanding abdomen anatomy and functions is essential for maintaining overall health. The abdomen location refers to the lower part of the torso, situated between the chest and the pelvis. It contains nine regions and various muscles. In this article, we will cover the abdomen in detail.

Table of Content

  • Abdomen
  • Abdomen Muscles
  • Abdomen Regions
    • The Upper Abdomen
    • The Middle Abdomen
    • The Lower Abdomen
  • Abdomen Functions
  • Abdomen Diseases
  • Abdomen Treatments
  • Conclusion – Abdomen
  • FAQs on Abdomen

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Abdomen Muscles

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