Abdomen Regions

The abdomen is divided into nine regions to help describe locations of symptoms or internal organs more precisely. The nine regions are given below:

Abdomen Regions


Right Hypochondriac

Contains parts of the liver and gallbladder.


Located above the stomach, containing parts of the stomach and liver.

Left Hypochondriac

Contains the spleen and parts of the stomach.

Right Lumbar

Lies beside the umbilical region with parts of the intestines.


Surrounds the navel with parts of the intestines.

Left Lumbar

Also beside the umbilical, with more intestines.

Right Iliac (Inguinal)

Contains the appendix and part of the intestines.

Hypogastric (Pubic)

Below the stomach with parts of the intestines and urinary bladder.

Left Iliac (Inguinal)

Contains part of the intestines.

Abdomen Regions

The Upper Abdomen

  • The upper abdomen is located between the diaphragm and the belly button.
  • It includes vital organs like the liver, stomach, and pancreas.
  • The liver, the largest organ in the abdomen, performs many essential functions.
  • The stomach, where food is digested, is also in the upper abdomen.
  • The pancreas, vital for producing insulin, is also found in this region.
  • The upper abdomen is crucial for digestion and metabolism.

The Middle Abdomen

  • The middle abdomen lies between the belly button and the top of the pelvic bones.
  • It contains important organs such as the small intestine and the gallbladder.
  • The small intestine plays a significant role in absorbing nutrients from food.
  • The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver to help digestion.
  • This region is vital for the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.
  • The middle abdomen supports the body’s energy and nutrient needs.

The Lower Abdomen

  • The lower abdomen is situated between the top of the pelvic bones and the groin.
  • It contains organs like the large intestine, bladder, and reproductive organs.
  • The large intestine absorbs water and forms feces for elimination.
  • The bladder stores urine before it is expelled from the body.
  • Reproductive organs such as the uterus and ovaries are found in women.
  • In men, the lower abdomen contains the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.
  • The lower abdomen plays a crucial role in waste elimination and reproduction.

Also Read: Diagram of Uterus


The abdomen is also known as the belly or stomach. It contains various organs responsible for digestion, waste elimination, and reproduction. Understanding abdomen anatomy and functions is essential for maintaining overall health. The abdomen location refers to the lower part of the torso, situated between the chest and the pelvis. It contains nine regions and various muscles. In this article, we will cover the abdomen in detail.

Table of Content

  • Abdomen
  • Abdomen Muscles
  • Abdomen Regions
    • The Upper Abdomen
    • The Middle Abdomen
    • The Lower Abdomen
  • Abdomen Functions
  • Abdomen Diseases
  • Abdomen Treatments
  • Conclusion – Abdomen
  • FAQs on Abdomen

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Conclusion – Abdomen

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