Advantages of CFT

  • High accuracy in detecting antibodies.
  • Provide high quality results.
  • Used for wide range of applications like bacteria, viruses and other pathogen detection.
  • Valuable tool in diagnosis
  • Used for Research purpose also

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CFT Full Form – Complement Fixation Test

CFT Full Form: CFT or Complement Fixation Test is widely used in immunological analysis which helps in the diagnosis of various infectious diseases. CFT is a highly sensitive and specific test that measures the levels of complement proteins in a patient blood serum.

CFT is widely used in the diagnosis of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Complement proteins are essential components of the immune system and their levels can provide valuable insight into the body’s response to infection. By assessing these protein levels CFT(Complement Fixation Test) assists healthcare professionals in accurately identifying and monitoring various infectious diseases which helps them to give accurate treatment plans for patients.

In this article, we have provided CFT full form, what happens in CFT with its procedure, and advantages.

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What is the Full Form of CFT?

The full form of CFT is Complement Fixation Test. It is a laboratory technique used in immunology to detect the presence of antibodies in a patient’s blood serum. This test is especially useful in diagnosing infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, and other pathogenic diseases....

What happens in CFT?

In this test, the patient’s serum is mixed with a known antigen which is a substance that can trigger an immune response. If the patient has antibodies against antigen they will bind to it effectively by fixing or neutralizing the complement proteins in the serum. Then the level of complement fixation is measured. This information helps the healthcare professionals determine whether the patient has been exposed to the specific pathogen associated with the antigen. CFT is an essential tool in diagnosing diseases like tuberculosis, brucellosis, and other viral infections due to its high sensitivity....

Procedure of CFT

Sample Collection: A blood sample is collected and serum is separated from it. Antigen Antibody Interaction: The patient’s serum is mixed with a known antigen that is associated with the pathogen that is suspected. if the patient has antibodies against this antigen then they will bind to it. Complement Activation: Complement proteins are added to the mixture. if antibodies are present and bound to the antigen. then they will fix or neutralize the complements proteins. Indicator System: Sheep red blood cells are added as a indicator system. if the complement is not fixed due to the presence of antibodies, it will break the sheep’s red blood cells causing the visible reaction. Reading Results: The test results are read based on the breakage of red blood cells that occurs. if breakage is small or absent it is the positive result which means the presence of antibodies against that specific pathogen. Interpretation: The degree of complement presence is taken and healthcare professionals use this information to diagnose and monitor the disease....

Advantages of CFT

High accuracy in detecting antibodies. Provide high quality results. Used for wide range of applications like bacteria, viruses and other pathogen detection. Valuable tool in diagnosis Used for Research purpose also...

Conclusion – CFT Full Form

Complement Fixation Test (CFT) is essential tool in immunology which offers a precise detection of antibodies in patient blood serum. It is used in wide range of applications such as diagnosing infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and other pathogens which makes it a valuable asset in healthcare. However it is important to note that CFT has some limitations and challenges which includes time consuming nature and need for specialized equipment. Despite having these limitations CFT holds good and unique approach of measuring complement fixation which makes it a valuable tool in immunology....

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