Advantages of MongoDB

MongoDB has many advantages which makes it popular and highly demanded.

  • Schema Not Required: MongoDB doesn’t demand predefined schemas, but schema migration might be necessary for evolving data structures. However, it offers more flexibility than traditional relational databases that strictly require schemas.
  • Document Queries: MongoDB’s document-oriented approach aligns with dynamic queries. It allows flexible and varied query operations based on the nature of the documents, unlike static table-based queries of RDBMS.
  • Simplified Performance Optimization: Compared to relational databases, MongoDB’s performance optimization is comparatively simpler due to its architecture and the way it manages data internally.
  • Efficient Memory Utilization: MongoDB uses internal memory for data storage. So, it accesses the data very fast and enhances the overall performance.
  • Horizontal Scaling with Sharding: Using MongoDB, we can horizontally expand our database by distributing data across multiple servers. It is called Sharding. Sharding ensures data separation and even distribution across shards, which is very efficient for data retrieval.
  • Ease of Maintenance: MongoDB is generally considered easier to maintain than traditional databases due to its flexible schema and simpler optimization processes.
  • Replication and Workload Distribution: By making copies of data and spreading the work across different parts, MongoDB ensures that the information is always available and the system works really fast. This happens because the tasks are shared among many places instead of just one, which makes things quicker and more reliable.

MongoDB Advantages & Disadvantages

MongoDB is a powerful database that’s great at handling lots of data and making sure it’s always available. It uses a flexible way of storing data called documents and collections. As a business grows – it can handle more and more data without slowing down. However, it’s worth noting that MongoDB is licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL), which some consider as not entirely free to use, but despite this, it’s widely adopted by companies worldwide across various industries. Its high performance, availability, and scalability make it available for many businesses looking for a robust database engine.

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