Applications of MongoDB

MongoDB’s flexibility and scalability make it suitable for a diverse range of applications.

  • Web Applications: MongoDB’s schema flexibility gives many advantages in web development. MEAN or MERN stack, which includes MongoDB as its database, is quite popular for building robust and scalable web applications.
  • E-commerce: MongoDB’s flexible schema and ability to handle varied data types make it suitable for managing product catalogs, user shopping carts, and other applications. The ability to handle interactions between user shopping carts and inventory via Inventory Management makes it a strong choice for e-commerce platforms.
  • Big Data & Sharding: MongoDB can handle large volumes of data efficiently and is used in scenarios where big data is generated rapidly and needs to be accessed in real-time. It is capable of scaling horizontally (sharding) to accommodate growing data volumes.
  • Demographic and Biometric Data: MongoDB’s scalability and performance makes it suitable for storing massive amount of data. So, it can be used to store demographic and biometric information, like in Aadhar, managing data for over a billion people.
  • Synchronization: Its capability to handle synchronization requirements makes it suitable for gaming applications where real-time data updates and interactions are crucial. The use of MongoDB by gaming studios like EA for games like FIFA demonstrates its applicability in this domain. It manages complex game data structures, player profiles, and in-game interactions efficiently.

MongoDB Advantages & Disadvantages

MongoDB is a powerful database that’s great at handling lots of data and making sure it’s always available. It uses a flexible way of storing data called documents and collections. As a business grows – it can handle more and more data without slowing down. However, it’s worth noting that MongoDB is licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL), which some consider as not entirely free to use, but despite this, it’s widely adopted by companies worldwide across various industries. Its high performance, availability, and scalability make it available for many businesses looking for a robust database engine.

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