Agile Model

  • An Agile model is an iterative and flexible approach to software development and able to respond the changes during project.
  • It divides the software development process into smaller cycles called sprints.
  • After the successful completion of all the sprints, final product is deployed to the customer.

Phases of Agile Model:

  • Requirements gathering: During this phase, you must define the requirements. You should describe business opportunities and estimate the time and effort required to complete the project. You can assess the technical and economic feasibility based on this information.
  • Design: Once the project has been identified, collaborate with stakeholders to define the requirements. You can use a user flow diagram or a high-level UML diagram to demonstrate the functionality of new features and how they will interact with your existing system.
  • Implementation: Work begins when the team defines the requirements. Designers and developers begin work on their project, which aims to deliver a functional product. The product will go through several stages of development, so it will have simple, minimal functionality.
  • Testing: The Quality Assurance team examines the product’s performance and looks for bugs during this phase.
  • Deployment: During this phase, the team releases a product for the user’s workplace.
  • Maintenance: The final step after releasing the product is feedback. In this stage, the team receives product feedback and works through it.

Agile Model

Why Waterfall isn’t Dead and Agile isn’t the only Answer?

Waterfall is still relevant for certain projects with well-defined requirements, providing a structured approach. Agile, while popular for its flexibility, may not suit every project due to its iterative nature. Both methodologies have their merits, and the choice depends on project characteristics and goals.

Why Waterfall isn’t Dead and Agile isn’t the only Answer?

Table of Content

  • Waterfall Model
  • Agile Model
  • Why Waterfall model is not Dead yet?
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Conclusion

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In short, Agile model and waterfall model are two different methodologies for the software development process. The choice between two depends upon the requirements of the project. Agile model is chosen by the developers when there is a need of continuous feedback of the customer and requires iterative development of the software. Waterfall model is chosen when requirements of customer are clear and unlikely to change throughout the project....