All Ctrl key Shortcuts

In this section, we will cover all the essential Ctrl key shortcuts that can help you navigate and operate your computer more efficiently. These keyboard shortcuts include commonly used commands that make everyday tasks quicker and easier. From the select all shortcut key to combinations with the F keys on a keyboard, we’ll provide a comprehensive list to enhance your productivity.

Keys Combination

Work Procedures

Ctrl + A

Select All

Ctrl + B

Bold the Text

Ctrl + C


Ctrl + D

Bookmark the Browser Page

Ctrl + E

Display Address bar in Internet Explorer

Ctrl + F

Find a Text, File or Folder

Ctrl + G

Go To function (MS Word and Excel)

Ctrl + H

Open History in Internet Browser

Ctrl + I

Make text Italics (MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint)

Ctrl + J

Open the Download section in the Internet Browser

Ctrl + K

Insert Hyperlinks (MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint)

Ctrl + L

Text Justification (MS Word)

Ctrl + M

Create New Slides (MS PowerPoint)

Ctrl + N

Open New Application Window in Internet Browser

Ctrl + O

Open a File

Ctrl + P

Print (Document or Picture)

Ctrl + Q

Close MS PowerPoint

Ctrl + R

Reload the running Page in the Internet Browser

Ctrl + S

Save the Document

Ctrl + T

Open New Tab in Internet Browser

Ctrl + U

Underline the Text

Ctrl + V


Ctrl + W

Close a Program, Window, Tab or Document

Ctrl + X

Cut any Text, Image or Video

Ctrl + Y

Redo the Command

Ctrl + Z

Undo the Command

Ctrl + ‘

Copy the Formula from the above cell (MS Excel)

Ctrl + –

Zoom out and Decrease the Font size of the Web Page in Internet Explorer

Ctrl + =

Zoom in and Increase the Font size of the Web Page in Internet Explorer

Ctrl + [

Decrease Selected text Font size (MS Word and other text editors)

Ctrl + ]

Increase Selected text Font size (MS Word and other text editors)

Ctrl + \

Active Cell (MS Excel)

Ctrl + ;

Insert Current Date (MS Excel)

Ctrl + ,

Decrease Highlighted text Font size (MS Word)

Ctrl + .

Increase Highlighted text Font size (MS Word)

Ctrl + /

Locks and Unlock layers (Adobe Photoshop)

Ctrl + 0

Restore the default Zoom level

Ctrl + 1

Switch to the First tab in a browser

Ctrl + 2

Switch to the Second tab in a browser

Ctrl + 3

Switch to the Third tab in a browser

Ctrl + 4

Switch to the Fourth tab in a browser

Ctrl + 5

Switch to the Fifth tab in a browser

Ctrl + 6

Switch to the Sixth tab in a browser

Ctrl +7

Switch to the Seventh tab in a browser

Ctrl + 8

Switch to the Eighth tab in a browser

Ctrl + 9

Switch to the Last tab in a browser

Ctrl + Del

Delete the word to the right cursor

Ctrl + End

Moves cursor to the End of a page or document

Ctrl + Enter

Autocomplete a URL in an Address bar

Ctrl + esc

Open Windows Start menu

Ctrl + F

Open Find window

Ctrl + F1

Show and Hide (MS Office programs)

Ctrl + F2

Open Print Preview (MS Word and Excel)

Ctrl + F3

Copy selected items into Spike (MS Word)

Ctrl + F4

Close Active Tab or Window

Ctrl + F5

Hard Refresh in a Browser Window

Ctrl + F6

Go to Workbook (MS Excel)

Ctrl + F7

Move a Window (MS Excel)

Ctrl + F8

Resize Workbook window (MS Excel)

Ctrl + F9

Create a new Field Code (MS Word)

Ctrl + F10

Toggle between Minimized and Maximized Window (MS Excel)

Ctrl + F11

Insert Macro Sheet (MS Excel)

Ctrl + F12

Open a new Document in MS Office programs

Ctrl + Home

Moves Cursor to start a page

Ctrl + Ins

Copy a selected text

Ctrl + Space

Select the entire Column (MS Excel)

Ctrl + Tab

Switch between open tabs in the Browser

Ctrl + ↓

Move to the Bottom or Last entry Datasheet

Ctrl + ↑

Move to the Top or First entry Datasheet

Ctrl + →

Move one word to the right

Ctrl + ←

Move one word to the left

What is Ctrl (Control) Key on Keyboard & How to Use Ctrl Key?

The Ctrl (Control) key on a keyboard is a powerful tool that helps streamline and speed up tasks on your computer. It’s one of the fundamental keys used in various keyboard shortcuts, including the popular select all shortcut key, which quickly highlights all content in a document or window. In this article, we’ll explore what the Ctrl key is, its purpose, and how to effectively use it to enhance your productivity. We’ll also discuss how it interacts with other keys, such as the F keys on a keyboard, to perform a wide range of functions.

What is Ctrl (Control) Key on Keyboard & How to Use Ctrl Key?

  • What is Ctrl (Control) Key in Keyboard?
  • How does Control Key do?
  • All Ctrl key Shortcuts

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All Ctrl key Shortcuts

In this section, we will cover all the essential Ctrl key shortcuts that can help you navigate and operate your computer more efficiently. These keyboard shortcuts include commonly used commands that make everyday tasks quicker and easier. From the select all shortcut key to combinations with the F keys on a keyboard, we’ll provide a comprehensive list to enhance your productivity....

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Some issues can occur when users press the wrong shortcut keys on the Windows system. Users can copy and paste text, start new tabs in a web browser, and save files and folders, among other tasks, by just pressing the Ctrl key shortcuts. Using Ctrl to create shortcuts can help to operate more efficiently on the system and save a ton of time. So hope you got the idea of What is Ctrl key on keyword and how you can use it to make your life much easier. In case you have any related queries, following frequently asked questions will definitely help....

What is Ctrl Key & How to Use Ctrl – FAQs

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