How to useArray.reduce() method in Javascript

The binary search is implemented with Array.reduce() iterates through the array, accumulating results. It returns the index of the target element or -1 if not found, with linear time complexity.

Example: The function uses Array.reduce to search for the target element within an array, returning its index if found, or -1 if not present, with linear time complexity.

function SearchingFunction(arr, target) {
    return arr.reduce((acc, val, index) => {
        if (acc !== -1) return acc;
        if (val === target) return index;
        return -1;
    }, -1);

const array = ["HTML", "CSS", "Javascript", "React", "Redux", "Node"];
const targetElement = "Redux";
const result = SearchingFunction(array, targetElement);
console.log(`The index of ${targetElement} is: ${result}`);

The index of Redux is:

JavaScript Program to Search an Element in an Array

A JavaScript program searches an element in an array by iterating through each item and comparing it with the target value. If found, it returns the index; otherwise, it returns -1, indicating absence.

Following are the ways to search for an element in an array:

Table of Content

  • Using Recursive Approach
  • Using Array.reduce() method
  • Using a for loop:
  • Using Array.indexOf():
  • Using includes

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