How to useasort() Function for Associative Arrays in PHP

If you have an associative array with keys and values, you can use asort() to sort the array by values while maintaining the key-value association.


$names = [
    "John" => 30,
    "Alice" => 25,
    "Bob" => 35,
    "Eve" => 28,
    "Charlie" => 40


    [Alice] => 25
    [Eve] => 28
    [John] => 30
    [Bob] => 35
    [Charlie] => 40

PHP Program to Sort Names in an Alphabetical Order

Sorting names in alphabetical order is a common task in programming. PHP provides several functions and methods to achieve this.


Input: arr = ["Sourabh", "Anoop, "Harsh", "Alok", "Tanuj"]
Output: ["Alok", "Anoop", "Harsh", "Sourabh", "Tanuj"]

Input: arr = ["John", "Alice", "Bob", "Eve", "Charlie"] Output: ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Eve", "John"]

Table of Content

  • Using sort() Function
  • Using asort() Function for Associative Arrays
  • Using natsort() Function for Natural Sorting
  • Using usort() function for Custom Sorting

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