Approach Using sort() Function

The sort() function in PHP is used to sort an indexed array in ascending order.


$names = ["John", "Alice", "Bob", "Eve", "Charlie"];


    [0] => Alice
    [1] => Bob
    [2] => Charlie
    [3] => Eve
    [4] => John

PHP Program to Sort Names in an Alphabetical Order

Sorting names in alphabetical order is a common task in programming. PHP provides several functions and methods to achieve this.


Input: arr = ["Sourabh", "Anoop, "Harsh", "Alok", "Tanuj"]
Output: ["Alok", "Anoop", "Harsh", "Sourabh", "Tanuj"]

Input: arr = ["John", "Alice", "Bob", "Eve", "Charlie"] Output: ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Eve", "John"]

Table of Content

  • Using sort() Function
  • Using asort() Function for Associative Arrays
  • Using natsort() Function for Natural Sorting
  • Using usort() function for Custom Sorting

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