Approach to upload file in Node

  • Module Imports:
    • Import express, path, and multer for server creation, file path operations, and file upload handling.
  • View Engine Configuration:
    • Configure the EJS view engine and set the views directory.
  • Multer Configuration for File Upload:
    • Set up Multer with diskStorage to handle file uploads.
    • Specify the destination folder and filename.
    • Define a maximum file size (1 MB) and a file filter for allowed types (jpeg, jpg, png).
  • Route Setup:
    • Create routes for GET and POST requests.
    • Establish a route for rendering a signup page (GET request).
    • Set up a route for handling file uploads (POST request).
  • Server Initialization:
    • Start the server on port 5000.
    • Handle errors during file upload and respond with success or error messages.

File uploading in Node

File uploading involves a user requesting to upload a file from their client machine to the server. For instance, on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, users upload images, videos, etc. In this article, we’ll explore how to achieve file uploads using Node.js.

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Approach to upload file in Node:

Module Imports: Import express, path, and multer for server creation, file path operations, and file upload handling. View Engine Configuration: Configure the EJS view engine and set the views directory. Multer Configuration for File Upload: Set up Multer with diskStorage to handle file uploads. Specify the destination folder and filename. Define a maximum file size (1 MB) and a file filter for allowed types (jpeg, jpg, png). Route Setup: Create routes for GET and POST requests. Establish a route for rendering a signup page (GET request). Set up a route for handling file uploads (POST request). Server Initialization: Start the server on port 5000. Handle errors during file upload and respond with success or error messages....

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