Atomic Radius of Some Common Elements

Atomic radius of elements is usually measured in picometer. Atomic radius of some commonly elements are listed below:

Atomic Radius of Hydrogen(H)

Atomic radius of hydrogen atom is 53 pm. It’s atomic number is 1. Hydrogen is first element of periodic table.

Atomic Radius of Sodium(Na)

Atomic radius of sodium is 0.190 nm (190 pm). Sodium is metal with Atomic Number 11. Sodium is an Alkali Metal that lies in Group 1 and period 3 in the periodic table.

Atomic Radius of Potassium(K)

Atomic radius of potassium is 0.235 nm (253 pm) and the ionic radius is 0.133 nm. Atomic number of potassium is 19 and its atomic symbol is K.

Atomic Radius of Argon(Ar)

Atomic radius of Argon is 0.098 nm. Argon is noble gas whose atomic number is 18, a stable electronic configuration.

Atomic Radius of Copper(Cu)

Atomic radius of copper is 128 pm. Copper is represented by atomic symbol Cu(Atomic number 29). Copper is a metal from group 11.

Atomic Radius of Oxygen(O)

Atomic Radius of Oxygen is 0.073 nm (73 nm). Oxygen has the Atomic Number 8 and its mass number is 16. Oxygen lies in the 16th group of the Periodic Table

Atomic Radius of Carbon(C)

Atomic Radius of Carbon is 0.0914 nm (91.4 pm). Carbon is the most versatile element. The atomic number of Carbon is 6 and its mass number is 12.

Largest Atomic Radius

Francium (Atomic number 87) has largest radius in periodic table. The atomic radius of francium is 348 pm.

Atomic Radius

Atomic Radius is defined as the total distance between the center of the atom to the outermost orbit in which the electron is revolving. Atomic Radius tells about the atomic size. Since Atoms are considered to be spherical, the size of an atom can be calculated by measuring its radius. Atomic radius is necessary to understand the behavior and properties shown by atoms. Some of the properties of an atom are affected by atomic radius.

In this article, we are going to learn about atomic radius, types of atomic radius, the atomic radius chart of some common elements, trend of atomic radius in the periodic table in detail.

Table of Content

  • Atomic Radius Definition
  • Atomic Radius Formula
  • Types of Atomic Radius
  • Atomic Radius of Some Common Elements
  • Atomic Radius Chart

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