Basic Syntax of TextLiquidFill Widget

text: 'Your Text Here', // The text to be animated
waveColor:, // Color of the liquid-like wave
boxBackgroundColor:, // Background color behind the text
textStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 40.0, // Font size
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, // Font weight
color: Colors.white, // Text color
boxHeight: 100.0, // Height of the container that holds the text

Flutter – Implement LiquidFill Text

In Flutter we can create a LiquidFill Text easily with the help of the TextLiquidFill widget which comes under the animated_text_kit package. It allows you to animate the filling of text with a liquid-like wave. The text appears to fill in as if it were a liquid substance. A sample video is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article.

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Basic Syntax of TextLiquidFill Widget

TextLiquidFill( text: 'Your Text Here', // The text to be animated waveColor:, // Color of the liquid-like wave boxBackgroundColor:, // Background color behind the text textStyle: TextStyle( fontSize: 40.0, // Font size fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, // Font weight color: Colors.white, // Text color ), boxHeight: 100.0, // Height of the container that holds the text)...

Step By Step Implementation

Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio...