Best UI/UX practices – Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens

Follow these essential best practices for designing better web applications for mobile screens.

Emphasize on what mobile user needs:

Here is an example, Phones are getting bigger and the header section is unreachable so by having the search box closer to the thumb users can easily access it. While other did not even notice, in the new iOS release Apple moved the browser bar from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen. These are the small things that matters and in mobile design. Always give emphasis on what the mobile audience wants from the design.


Setting up a proper contrast to the mobile UI helps the user differentiate between what is important and what is not. Proper contrast can be obtained through organizing the design, establishing hierarchy, emphasizing a focal point and adding visual interest. It can be done by a lot of different ways – we can add contrast with color, with weight, with size of typography or even with the imagery.

Limit Form Fields:

In mobile screens, limited form fields is essential improve usability as users are checking out the webpages from small screens. Hence we must keep the form elements spaced out so visitors can fill them out easily without accidentally clicking on the wrong one. Here , two practices are a must – avoiding drop down menus and using easy to find, bigger buttons. Multi-step forms are even better for mobile users as users can fill out each question at a time which allows them to go quickly through the form without scrolling.

Alignment and Proximity:

A proper alignment in a mobile first user interface helps organize and group elements, it creates a visual rhythm of elements on the screen, Alignment and proximity brings order in unordered typography. Hence a proper alignment becomes even mor crucial for smaller screen where the readers can handle a large chunk of text all together.

Page Speed:

Page speed is not just an essential factor for mobile first approach but also one of the most crucial factor in user experience and conversions. The ideal page loading time should be 2 seconds that means your webpage should load within two seconds ideally but in the worst case scenario it should load in two to four seconds.


Proper use of repetition through increasing consistency, increases the user’s ability to learn and identify the pattern in our interface or layout and it also reduces confusion and helps the user guess objects in the layout properly.

Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens

Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens is crucial for any application to be successful these days. In 2021, the number of mobile users worldwide stood at 7.1 billion. As the number of mobile phone users continues to increase, more and more UI/UX designers are focusing on Designing web applications for keeping mobile screens in mind.

Most of the designs are now more mobile-friendly and designing web applications for mobile screens is now becoming a very critical aspect of the entire web design process.

Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens

In this article, we will discuss various aspects of designing web applications for mobile screens, how to design web applications for mobile screens and what is the importance of it.


Table of Content

  • Mobile First Design
  • Importance of Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens
  • How to Design Web Applications for Mobile Screens
  • Best UI/UX practices – Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens
  • Conclusion

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