Mobile First Design

Mobile first design as the name suggests is about designing any application, website, or piece of software keeping mobile-friendliness as the main priority and making sure that the design is compatible with smaller screens. In this approach, unlike the traditional approach where we first design for the larger viewports, we may not design for the larger screens first, but rather start with designing the application or website for smaller screens in order to make the application or the website more scalable and reach out to a larger number of audience.

The Mobile First Design approach came in existence ever since the first smartphone was created. But it started becoming recorganized by the designers community after Google popularized the mobile first design in 2010. They did it by making sure that all their applications are mobile friendly. Now mobile first design is taken as a best practice by almost all major tech companies.

Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens

Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens is crucial for any application to be successful these days. In 2021, the number of mobile users worldwide stood at 7.1 billion. As the number of mobile phone users continues to increase, more and more UI/UX designers are focusing on Designing web applications for keeping mobile screens in mind.

Most of the designs are now more mobile-friendly and designing web applications for mobile screens is now becoming a very critical aspect of the entire web design process.

Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens

In this article, we will discuss various aspects of designing web applications for mobile screens, how to design web applications for mobile screens and what is the importance of it.


Table of Content

  • Mobile First Design
  • Importance of Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens
  • How to Design Web Applications for Mobile Screens
  • Best UI/UX practices – Designing Web Applications for Mobile Screens
  • Conclusion

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Mobile First Design

Mobile first design as the name suggests is about designing any application, website, or piece of software keeping mobile-friendliness as the main priority and making sure that the design is compatible with smaller screens. In this approach, unlike the traditional approach where we first design for the larger viewports, we may not design for the larger screens first, but rather start with designing the application or website for smaller screens in order to make the application or the website more scalable and reach out to a larger number of audience....

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In conclusion, designing web applications for mobile screens is now not just an add on to your design, but a best practice that designers follow. Make sure that you mobile first design is optimized by prioritizing what the mobile audience needs, using responsive design techniques, simplifying the navigation, optimizing performance, and working on user user feedback....