
Fundamental Challenges

It is concerned with the process involved in switching to a vote-based system and establishing an equitable government in this way. It entails overthrowing the office-holder undemocratic fascist, separating the armed forces from the civilian administration, and establishing a self-governing, functional state.

Challenge of Expansion

It entails embracing the fundamental idea of vote-based government across all geologies, social strata, and foundations. Along with other things, it involves granting local governments more authority, extending the rule of law to all organizational divisions, and ensuring the inclusion of women and minority groups. The majority of majority-rule governments that are set up, like those in India and the United States, struggle with development.

Political Reforms

Demos, which means “common citizens,” and Kratos, which denotes power, are the two Greek words that are the origin of the phrase “a majority dominates the government.” In ancient Greek political and philosophical thought, the phrase “a majority rules government” originally appeared in the city province of Athens during the conventional period. The Athenians discovered it in 508–507 BC, and Cleisthenes was the one who operated it. Other names for Cleisthenes include “the father of Attic majority rule governance.”

A vote-based system of government is one in which the people directly exercise their power or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. The phrase “rule of the greater part” is another name for it. In a democracy with a majority rule, authority cannot be obtained. People appoint their own chiefs. Residents choose their representatives from among the delegates in a political vote. The delegates who receive the most votes are given the most authority.

Political Reforms

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