Chromosome Structure and Packaging of DNA

DNA molecules generate the thread-like structures called chromosomes, that hold an organism’s genetic material. DNA is not randomly distributed inside the nucleus of eukaryotic cells; rather, it is carefully packed and arranged with proteins to create chromatin. A combination of DNA, histone proteins, and other regulatory proteins called chromatin controls several facets of gene expression and the operation of the genome.

Structure of the Chromatin

The complex structure of protein and DNA that makes up chromosomes is called chromatin, and it is made up of linear, uninterrupted double-stranded DNA. Two varieties of chromatin exist:

  • Euchromatin: It is a chromatin that is loosely packed, rich in genes, and frequently (but not always) experiences active transcription. In comparison, heterochromatin is tightly packed and offers far less transcriptional flexibility than euchromatin.
  • Heterochromatin: It is a type of compressed DNA that is tightly packed and available in various forms. These variations are in the middle between constitutive and facultative heterochromatin.

Role of Histones in Chromatin Structure

The role of histone acetylation in chromatin structure is essential to the packing of DNA into chromatin. They work as spindles around which DNA is coiled to help the nucleus compress it. The four core proteins that make up histones—H2A, H2B, H3, and H4—form an octamer core that encircles around 147 base pairs of DNA. This structure is referred to as the nucleosome, and it is the basic chromatin repeating unit.

Nucleosome Organization and Higher-Order Chromatin Folding

Through folding and compaction, nucleosomes are further arranged into higher-order chromatin structures. The 30 nm chromatin fiber is a more compact fiber made of nucleosomes that is stabilized and condensed by additional histone proteins, such H1. Higher-order structures like loops and domains, which are assumed to be involved in gene regulation and genome stability, can be formed by further condensing this fiber.

Changes in Chromosome Packaging During Cell Cycle and Differentiation

The arrangement of chromosomes is varies during the cell cycle and cellular development. For instance, chromosomes further condense into very compressed structures during mitosis, which are visible under a microscope. This guarantees that, during cell division, genetic material is properly segregated into daughter cells.

Eukaryotic Genome Organisation

The Eukaryotic Genome Organisation is the functional and spatial arrangement of DNA within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic genomes are defined by linear chromosomes contained within a membrane-bound nucleus, in contrast to prokaryotic genomes, which are usually arranged as circular chromosomes within the cytoplasm. In this article, we will learn about the organization of the eukaryotic genome, epigenetic modifications, chromatin remodeling, and eukaryotic gene families in detail.

Table of Content

  • Genome Organization in Eukaryotes
  • Chromosome Structure and Packaging of DNA
  • Packaging of DNA
  • DNA-Level Eukaryotic Genome Organisation
  • Eukaryotic Gene Families
  • Control Points of Gene Expression
  • Conclusion –  Eukaryotic Genome Organisation
  • FAQs –  Eukaryotic Genome Organisation

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