DNA-Level Eukaryotic Genome Organisation

The DNA-level architecture of the eukaryotic genome is governed by a number of structures and mechanisms that control gene expression, genome stability, and other biological functions.

Gene Expression in Eukaryotes

The basic building blocks of heredity are called genes, which are made up of certain DNA sequences that code for functional products like proteins or non-coding RNAs.

Structure of Gene

  • Exon: The sequences that code for amino acids, which are subsequently translated into proteins, are found in the coding sections of genes. Interspersed within exons are non-coding sections known as introns.
  • Introns: Non-coding portions termed introns are found within genes. They are translated into precursor messenger RNA, or pre-mRNA, but are then cut out during a process known as splicing, which occurs before the mRNA is translated into a protein.
  • Promoters: In order to start the transcription process, RNA polymerase and transcription factors attach to DNA sequences known as promoters, which are found close to the start of genes.
  • Enhancer: Enhancers are far positioned regulatory DNA regions that control other genes. By binding particular transcription factors, they can either increase or decrease the expression of a gene by modifying the activity of promoters.

Splicing Mechanisms and Alternative Splicing

The process of splicing generates mature mRNA by cutting off introns from pre-mRNA and joining exons together. The spliceosome, a massive molecular structure that performs this function, is responsible for identifying certain sequences at exon-intron junctions. A single gene can generate many mRNA isoforms through a process called alternative splicing, which involves choosing which exons to include or leave out during splicing.

Transcriptional Regulation

The speed at which genes are translated into mRNA is governed by transcriptional regulation. It has to do with how transcription factors work. These factors attach to particular DNA sequences in promoters and enhancers to either activate or inhibit RNA polymerase and other transcriptional machinery. Furthermore, chromatin accessibility and structure can be altered by epigenetic alterations including DNA methylation and histone modifications, which can affect transcription factors’ capacity to bind to DNA and control gene expression.

Post-transcriptional Regulation

After transcription, mRNA passes through a number of processing stages to become mature mRNA, including as splicing, capping, and polyadenylation. The term “post-transcriptional regulation” describes the processes that govern the translation, stability, and processing of mRNA.

Eukaryotic Genome Organisation

The Eukaryotic Genome Organisation is the functional and spatial arrangement of DNA within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic genomes are defined by linear chromosomes contained within a membrane-bound nucleus, in contrast to prokaryotic genomes, which are usually arranged as circular chromosomes within the cytoplasm. In this article, we will learn about the organization of the eukaryotic genome, epigenetic modifications, chromatin remodeling, and eukaryotic gene families in detail.

Table of Content

  • Genome Organization in Eukaryotes
  • Chromosome Structure and Packaging of DNA
  • Packaging of DNA
  • DNA-Level Eukaryotic Genome Organisation
  • Eukaryotic Gene Families
  • Control Points of Gene Expression
  • Conclusion –  Eukaryotic Genome Organisation
  • FAQs –  Eukaryotic Genome Organisation

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