Co-Education In India

Co-education has a long history in India, evident in the ancient Gurukul system. In Gurukuls, boys and girls receive education together under one teacher. This tradition has been common in most Indian primary schools for many years.

  • In India, 96% of schools have Co-education. 2% are exclusively for boys and 3% for girls.
  • Co-ed schools perform slightly better in class 12 board exams with a pass rate of 98.03%. This is compared to 97.42% for girls-only schools and 93.42% for boys-only schools.
  • Most colleges and university departments in India follow a co-educational approach.
  • Mixed-gender education became compulsory for primary schools in 1957. It became mandatory for all universities in 1975.
  • Co-education promotes understanding of equality among students. It also fosters competitiveness.
  • There are numerous benefits of co-education. These include fostering equality, cooperation, learning, sharing, competition, respect, and acceptance.

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Top 10 Benefits of Co-Education

Co-education is an educational system where students of both genders study in the same institution. It also provides a feeling of equality among the students and pushes them to build up a cooperative mindset.

In this article, we are going to learn the top 10 benefits of Co-Education in detail.

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