Co-Education In UK

Almost 85% of UK schools are co-education based. UK was the first country that adoped the co-education system. Here are some details. These statistics shed light on the composition and performance trends within the UK’s education system.

  • In the UK, more than 85% of schools have co – education.
  • In 2023; HMC schools were mostly co-ed. They consists of 78% boys and 13% exclusively to girls.
  • Primary school teaching staff are predominantly female, accounting for 85%, whereas at the secondary level, it’s 64%.
  • Approximately 40.4% of primary schools and 80.4% of secondary schools were academies or free schools in 2023.
  • The GCSE high pass rate in 2023 stood at 22%, with 71.7% of females and 64.9% of males meeting the pass rate (C/4).

Top 10 Benefits of Co-Education

Co-education is an educational system where students of both genders study in the same institution. It also provides a feeling of equality among the students and pushes them to build up a cooperative mindset.

In this article, we are going to learn the top 10 benefits of Co-Education in detail.

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