Create REST API and its resources

To create a REST API, we need to do the following:

  • Create REST API in API Gateway.
  • Create Resources in created REST API.
  • Configure Lambda Integration.

We can automate all the above things using the below script.

Serverless Config

Write the below content serverless.yml

service: api-gateway-lambda-rest-api

useDotenv: true

  name: aws
  stage: ${opt:stage, 'dev'}
  region: ap-south-1
  lambdaHashingVersion: 20201221
    restApi: true
    level: INFO
    blockPublicAccess: true
    name: ${self:custom.config.CODE_DEPLOYMENT_BUCKET}
    maxPreviousDeploymentArtifacts: 3

    S3_BUCKET: ${env:S3_BUCKET}

    name: ${self:service}-function-${self:provider.stage}
    handler: lambda_function.handler
    description: Sample application with API Gateway integration
    runtime: python3.9
    memorySize: 128
    timeout: 10
      - http:
          path: api/hello
          method: post
      - http:
          path: api/testApi
          method: get


In the provider, we configure cloud provider details like cloud provider name, region, logs config, etc.


In this section (not a default option, we can replace custom with any name) we gonna maintain any configuration variables required for this script.


Cloudformation script generated based on our serverless script and application code (if any) will be stored in this bucket and it will then be used for deployment.

Note: Here we’ll not be creating a new bucket through this script, create an s3 bucket for the deployment bucket, if it does not exist already.

Build an API Gateway REST API with Lambda Integration

Pre-requisite: AWS

Amazon Web Services is a leading cloud provider which provides us with plenty of Paas, and Iaas, and services that we can use to build and deploy our applications. we going to build and Deploy a REST API with API Gateway which is integrated with AWS Lambda and expose GET and POST methods, here we going to use an open-source framework Serverless for deploying our API.

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In this blog, we learned how to create a REST API with a Lambda function integration. In addition, the Serverless framework simplifies the deployment process and enables developers to focus on writing code. The API Gateway-Lambda integration can be used to build various types of applications, from serverless applications to microservices. By leveraging this powerful tool, developers can build scalable and efficient APIs on AWS....