Other Use Cases

Using API Gateway – Lambda integration, we can deploy many applications, like below:

  • Serverless applications: Lambda integration  is well-suited for serverless applications, we can deploy backend APIs using this, many big size companies use lambda to deploy their backend APIs (Django, NodeJS, etc)
  • Webhooks: API Gateway – Lambda integration can be used to build webhooks where the Lambda function is triggered by an external system like Stripe, Twilio, or GitHub.
  • Microservices: API Gateway – Lambda is well suited for building microservices-based architectures where multiple Lambda functions are used to build a single application. 

Build an API Gateway REST API with Lambda Integration

Pre-requisite: AWS

Amazon Web Services is a leading cloud provider which provides us with plenty of Paas, and Iaas, and services that we can use to build and deploy our applications. we going to build and Deploy a REST API with API Gateway which is integrated with AWS Lambda and expose GET and POST methods, here we going to use an open-source framework Serverless for deploying our API.

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API Gateway Resources...

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Other Use Cases

Using API Gateway – Lambda integration, we can deploy many applications, like below:...


In this blog, we learned how to create a REST API with a Lambda function integration. In addition, the Serverless framework simplifies the deployment process and enables developers to focus on writing code. The API Gateway-Lambda integration can be used to build various types of applications, from serverless applications to microservices. By leveraging this powerful tool, developers can build scalable and efficient APIs on AWS....