
Encryption is the process of hiding sensitive information.

General Terms:

Name of term Description of term
Cipher Encryption and decryption algorithm.
Clear text / plaintext Unencrypted data 
Cipher text Encrypted data 

Encryption Algorithms:

Name of term Description of term
DES (Data Encryption Standard) Block cipher, 56-bit key, 64-bit block size 
3DES (Triple Data Encryption Standard) Block cipher, 168-bit key 
AES Iterated block cipher. 
RC (Rivest Cipher) Symmetric-key algorithm. 
Blowfish A fast symmetric block cipher, 64-bit block size, 32 to 448 bits key
Twofish Symmetric-key block cipher
RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) Achieving strong encryption through the use of two large prime numbers. 
Diffie–Hellman Used for generating a shared key between two entities over an insecure channel. 
DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) Private key tells who signed the message. Public key verifies the digital signature 

Ethical Hacking Cheatsheet

Ethical hacking includes authorized attempts to gain unauthorized access to computer systems, applications, or data. Ethical hacking requires replicating the strategies and behaviors of malicious attackers. This practice helps identify security vulnerabilities, So they can be fixed before malicious attackers can exploit them. 

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Necessary Terms:...

Legal Laws and Cyber Acts:

Name of Term Description of term RFC 1918 For Private IP Standard  RFC 3227 For Data collection and storage  ISO 27002 For Information Security Guidelines CAN-SPAM For Email Marketing SPY-Act For License Enforcement  DMCA For Intellectual Property  SOX For Corporate Finance Processes GLBA For Personal Finance Data  FERPA For Education Records  FISMA For Government Networks Security Standards CVSS For Common Vulnerability Scoring System  CVE For Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure...


Footprinting information:...

Scanning Networks:

Involves collecting additional information about the victim’s host, port, and network services. It aims to identify vulnerabilities and then plan attacks....


Enumeration is a process in ethical hacking, which Interact with the system and interrogate it to obtain the necessary information. Involves the discovery and exploitation of vulnerabilities....


Sniffing Involves retrieving packets of data over a network using a specific program or device....

System Hacking:

System hacking is defined as a compromise between a computer system and software to gain access to a target computer and steal or misuse their sensitive information....

Social Engineering:

Social engineering refers to pressuring people in a targeted organization to disclose sensitive or confidential information....

Web Hacking:

Web hacking generally refers to exploiting applications over the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This can be done by manipulating the application through a web graphical interface, by manipulating the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), or by abusing HTTP elements....


Encryption is the process of hiding sensitive information....

Cloud Security:

Cloud providers implement restricted access and access policies with logs and the ability to request access and denial reasons....