Deploying and Managing Containerized Applications With Kubernetes

Follow the steps mentioned below to deploy the application in the form of containers.

Step 1: Install kubernetes and setup kubernetes cluster there should be minimum at least one master node and two worker nodes you can set up the kubernetes cluster in any of the cloud which are providing the kubernetes as an service.

Step 2: Know create deployment manifestfile you can create this manifests in the manifest you can specify the exact number of pods are required and what the container image and what types of resources are required after completion of writing the manifestfile apply the file using kubectl command.

Step 3: After creating the pods know you need to expose the service to the outside of the for that you need to write one more manifestfile which contains service type (e.g., LoadBalancer or ClusterIP), ports, and selectors.

Introduction to Kubernetes (K8S)

Kubernetes is an open-source platform that manages Docker containers in the form of a cluster. Along with the automated deployment and scaling of containers, it provides healing by automatically restarting failed containers and rescheduling them when their hosts die. This capability improves the application’s availability.

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What is Kubernetes (k8s)?

Kubernetes is an open-source Container Management tool that automates container deployment, container scaling, descaling, and container load balancing (also called a container orchestration tool). It is written in Golang and has a vast community because it was first developed by Google and later donated to CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation). Kubernetes can group ‘n’ number of containers into one logical unit for managing and deploying them easily. It works brilliantly with all cloud vendors i.e. public, hybrid, and on-premises....

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Deploying and Managing Containerized Applications With Kubernetes

Follow the steps mentioned below to deploy the application in the form of containers....

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Comparing Kubernetes with Other Container Orchestration Platforms

Feature Kubernetes Docker Swarm OpenShift Nomad Deployment Container were deployed using the Kubectl CLI and all the configuration required for the containers will be mentioned in the manifests. Containers are deployed using docker compose file which contains all the configurations required fur the containers. You can deploy the containers using the manifests or openshift cli. HCL configuration file is required to deploy the containers. Scalability You can manage the heavy incoming traffic by scaling the pods across the multiple nodes. We can scale the containers but not as much as efficient as the kubernetes. We can scale the containers but not as much as efficient as the kubernetes. We can scale the containers but not as much as efficient as the kubernetes. Networking You can use different types of plugins to increase the flexibility. simple to use which makes more easy then kubernetes. Networking model is very much advanced. You can integrate the no.of plugins you want. Storage Supports multiple storage options like presistent volume claim and you can even attach the cloud based storage. You can use the local storage more flexibly. Supports local and cloud storage. Supports local and cloud storage....

The Future of Kubernetes

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Features of Kubernetes

Automated Scheduling– Kubernetes provides an advanced scheduler to launch containers on cluster nodes. It performs resource optimization. Self-Healing Capabilities– It provides rescheduling, replacing, and restarting the containers that are dead. Automated Rollouts and Rollbacks– It supports rollouts and rollbacks for the desired state of the containerized application. Horizontal Scaling and Load Balancing– Kubernetes can scale up and scale down the application as per the requirements. Resource Utilization– Kubernetes provides resource utilization monitoring and optimization, ensuring containers are using their resources efficiently. Support for multiple clouds and hybrid clouds– Kubernetes can be deployed on different cloud platforms and run containerized applications across multiple clouds. Extensibility– Kubernetes is very extensible and can be extended with custom plugins and controllers. Community Support- Kubernetes has a large and active community with frequent updates, bug fixes, and new features being added....

Kubernetes Vs Docker

Docker Swarm Kubernetes Developed by Docker Inc. Developed by Google, now managed by CNCF No Auto-Scaling Auto-Scaling Does Auto Load-Balancing Manually configure your Load-Balancing settings It performs rolling updates to containers straightaway K8S performs rolling updates to Pods as a whole Share storage volumes with any other containers Share storage volumes between multiple containers inside the same pods It uses 3rd party tools like ELK K8S provides in-built tools for logging and monitoring...

Architecture of Kubernetes

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FAQs On Kubernetes

1. Kubernetes Cluster...