Deploying Containerized Applications

Deploying the Dashboard in the form of containerized application on kubernetes will give you the flexibility to scale the application with easier way and the availability of the application is also going to increase.

Specifying Application Details  For Kubernetes Dashboard

  1. Name: The name of your application.
  2. Image: The image that your application is running. (Docker Image).
  3. Port: The port that your application is listening on.
  4. Replicas: The number of Pods that you want to create for your application.
  5. Selector: A label selector that is used to match Pods to your application.
  6. Template: The template that is used to create Pods for your application.

Kubernetes – Dashboard Setup

Kubernetes – Dashboard Setup is a web-based user interface that offers a summary of your Kubernetes cluster. You may manage your resources using a graphical interface and view information about your pods, deployments, services, and more with the dashboard. How do you maintain track of all the containers you deploy using Kubernetes when there are hundreds of them? That won’t work with a command-line interface. Everything must be represented visually. Welcome to the Kubernetes dashboard. The official web-based UI for Kubernetes, known as Kubernetes Dashboard, consists of a collection of services that make cluster management easier. You will discover how to set up the Kubernetes Dashboard on an Ubuntu computer step-by-step in this guide.

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Kubernetes Dashboard Basics

The Kubernetes Dashboard is a web-based user interface that allows you to manage and monitor your Kubernetes clusters. It provides an easy-to-use graphical interface where you can view and manage the status of your applications, deploy containerized applications, troubleshoot issues, and manage cluster resources. With the dashboard, you can get insights into your cluster’s overall health, view detailed information about your workloads, and access logs to debug and resolve issues. It is a helpful tool for both developers and system administrators to interact with their Kubernetes environment without needing to use the command line....

Kubernetes Dashboard UI Features

Manage Pods: You can view the pods and manage the Kubernetes pods. Without the need for Kubectl, you can view the pods manage the ods, and edit the pod’s configuration according to your requirement. You can perform most of the operations performed by the Kubernetes kubectl command. Manage Services: Service is the resource used in Kubernetes to expose the pod to the internet from where the end users can access the application. It can be managed with the help of the Kubernetes dashboard. You can create new services, edit the existing services, and changes the configurations. Manage Deployments: You can view the number of deployments that you have deployed so far and also see the current working status of the Kubernetes deployments you have deployed till now. You can also edit the configuration of deployment yaml files, like changing the number of replicas required and so on. Manage Resources: You can manage some other resources which are present in the Kubernetes cluster like ConfigMaps. Secrets. Namespaces....

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Deploying Kubernetes Dashboard UI

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Kubernetes Dashboard UI(User Interface) Setup...

Kubernetes Dashboard UI (User Interface) Resources

After executing the command, kubectl creates a namespace, service account, config map, pods, cluster role, service, RBAC, and deployments resources representing the Kubernetes dashboard....

Kubernetes Cluster Role Binding for Kubernetes Dashboard UI (User Interface)

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Accessing the Kubernetes localhost Dashboard UI

Now that the proxy has been started, you can use your web browser to access the Kubernetes dashboard URL:...

Alternative Access to the Dashboard

kubectl Proxy: To view the dashboard from your personal machine, start a proxy server. To get to http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/, execute the kubectl proxy instruction to launch your browser. Port Forwarding: To forward a port form your personal machine to a port on the Kubernetes Dashboard service, use kubectl port-forward. For example, execute this command to view it: https://localhost:10443 kubectl port-forward -n kube-system service/kubernetes-dashboard 10443:443. NodePort Service: Employ a NodePort for displaying the dashboard service. Modify the dashboard service YAML file’s service type to NodePort, then access it with the node’s IP address and its designated NodePort. Ingress: Configure an Ingress resource to ensure you can use a custom domain to access the dashboard. Create an Ingress resource pointing to the dashboard service and configure an Ingress controller. Cloud Provider Specific Methods: Integrated dashboard access is available by several managed Kubernetes services, notably Amazon EKS, Azure AKS, and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Examine the specific documentation supplied by your cloud provider....

Deploying Containerized Applications

Deploying the Dashboard in the form of containerized application on kubernetes will give you the flexibility to scale the application with easier way and the availability of the application is also going to increase....

How to fix Kubernetes Dashboard Forbidden 403 error

It can be frustrating when you get a “403 Forbidden” error when trying to access the Kubernetes Dashboard. This issue usually indicates you do not have the right sort of liberties to access the dashboard using your user account. Here’s an easy instructions for fixing the issue at hand:...

Kubernetes Dashboard alternatives

Lens: A sophisticated open-source Kubernetes IDE that makes cluster management easier is called Lens. It offers an in-depth examination on the resources in your cluster and enables tasks like built-in terminal, real-time monitoring, and simple context switching between various clusters. K9s: For interacting with your Kubernetes clusters, utilize K9s, a terminal-based graphical user interface. It is quick, light, and filled with abilities that let you oversee, access, and troubleshoot your clusters using the command line. Octant: An open-source Kubernetes dashboard named Octant provides comprehensive cluster perceives along with real-time updates. It facilitates the comprehension of complex configurations by offering insights into resource connections along with customization plugins. Rancher: Rancher is a packed with features Kubernetes management tool which renders cluster deployment, scaling, and monitoring easier. It provides abilities such as application catalog, access control, and multi-cluster management as well as to a sophisticated web-based dashboard....

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