Difference between NA and NAN





“Not Available”

“Not a Number”

Data Type




Indicates missing data

Indicates an undefined result


Commonly used for missing or unavailable data

Commonly used for undefined numerical operations

Behavior in operations

Spreadsthrough computations involving NA values

Spreads and contaminates other calculations


x <- c(1, 2, NA, 4)


What is the difference between NA and NAN in R?

R Programming Language is a super popular programming language for analyzing data. Lots of data scientists, statisticians, and researchers love using it because it’s so versatile and has lots of tools to help them out. But sometimes, figuring out all the little details can’t be easy. One thing that often confuses people is understanding the difference between NA and NaN. They might look similar, but they’re actually used for different things in R.

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Difference between NA and NAN

Aspect NA NaN Definition “Not Available” “Not a Number” Data Type Any Numeric Meaning Indicates missing data Indicates an undefined result Usage Commonly used for missing or unavailable data Commonly used for undefined numerical operations Behavior in operations Spreadsthrough computations involving NA values Spreads and contaminates other calculations Example x <- c(1, 2, NA, 4) 0/0...


NA and NaN serve different purposes in R. NA, which stands for “Not Available,” is used to represent missing or undefined data in datasets. On the other hand, NaN, short for “Not a Number,” is used to indicate undefined or unrepresentable numerical values resulting from specific mathematical calculations. Understanding the distinction between NA and NaN is essential for accurately handling missing data and ensuring the integrity of mathematical operations in R....